Working with Refugees

It is most heart breaking to me, as a mother and woman to see refugee children living in such difficult circumstances. We realize that in a modern world children need education to have a chance at a better life. When working with Refugees, we see  generations of children growing up in very unstable situations. No opportunities to get good education. Not even such a thing as safety for their families on a daily basis. It is truly heart breaking.

In the Western World we take everything for granted. People have free education for their children until High School is finished . There is a lot of help for people who do not have money to pay for their children’s  University education. Student loans are easy to get and there is lots of time to pay them back. There are University Scholarships and Grants for gifted students. We do not need to give up Educational dreams because of lack of money. There are so many ways to get Education.

I love our Refugee Families in Thailand and their  beautiful Children. They are gifted. They are Smart. They are kind. They are Respectful. We get thanks from every family we support. Every month. They never miss. They call. They text. They tell you -they are so Blessed because we help them . We don’t ask for it -or- expect it -but they do it. Faithfully. Month by Month. Week by week.

In the Western World those kind of words would choke an average citizen. They would have hard time showing they are thankful. Many people have an attitude of entitlement and they have forgotten to be grateful.  I believe if we forget to Thank God for all the good things in our life and Thank Him for His Help through the bad times …we will never find Happiness.

We need to Show Appreciation for people – or we cannot ever Enjoy Life. Key to happy life is to be Thankful to God and People around us. That is so very important but many people forget. I see many people running around looking for  peace. They are restless and they never find Peace in their heart by running from one activity to another. From one place to another. From one excitement to another. We only find our Peace in God. We find our Rest In His Presence.

We all have some amazing memories. Some good memories that make us smile. Like our Wedding Day. Or when our first child was born. There is nothing so special as a newborn baby. It is such a  great Joy and more than that – it is a Miracle. We cherish those memories. We love watching our little ones grow and learn and we feel such pride on every step they take.  Our hearts never stop loving our children. No matter what they do. Holidays can create wonderful memories ,as well and remind us how good it is to have few good people in our life. We all have some good memories.

But nothing on this earth -compares to the touch from God. When God surrounds us with His Presence and our whole being is saturated by God’s Love. There is nothing like it. Those moments with God are the very best memories we can have. All others might be good, too but they all become dim in the light of His Love. I would like to say that Western Nations have forgotten to spend time with God and Thank Him Daily for His Goodness. There is something of a miracle that takes place in our hearts when God touches us. There simply is and nobody can deny it.

And then there are the Refugee Parents and their beautiful children. They love their children – just like we do. They cannot give them all the things we can .They do not even think about things that are missing, because there is no point. They just take one day at a time and Thank God for that one day and Thank Him for his Protection. Their family is together. They all love each other and if they had food that day…they are more thankful. They have no guarantee of  daily food.

To me – personally – it is heart breaking to think about the children missing Education and Opportunities we take for granted in the Western Nations. We have forgotten to Thank God for His Love and Value People above all things in life. Material things do not add to anyone’s value. Our Value as Human Beings come from the fact that God Loves Us. Not from what we own and how much stuff we have .At the end -we leave all the stuff behind and take none of it away when we die. It stays here. We must learn to value things that God values and His Number One value is -LOVE.

                                                                      GOD LOVES YOU. ....HE WANTS YOU TO  KNOW HIM AND LOVE HIM

                                                                                   GOD LOVES PEOPLE AROUND USHE WANTS US TO LOVE PEOPLE AROUND US,AS WELL