Look at his Little Boy. He is 6 years old. Never lived in Freedom and has no Idea what that word means.
His Parents love him and his brother. They think, their sons are the best and they love them and feel proud of them. Just like we all do with our children. Sometimes they send us Videos of the little guy. I love those videos because he is so cute, and he is just a little child caught in a difficult situation.
He does not understand all the complexities of their situation, but the older son does. The parents do and they live under the weight of uncertainty daily.
Their life really does not have lots of good news in a real sense- as in saying…We are moving to Canada – Yeah !!
No, they do not have any assurance of that, not yet. We pray that day will come. The parents pray God would grant them the desire of their hearts. To be able to live a normal life and have their children go to school and live in freedom. That is all they really want. To work and support their families and raise the children to appreciate freedom and live a good life. Will you pray for this lovely family ?