Typical Refugee Family prefers sleeping during the day and going out in the evening’ is for Safety Reasons. If they are too visible during the daytime and start going out too much and they might get noticed by the Police an taken to Prison.
They bring Children to the Prison with their parents. Children in filthy Prisons surrounded by real criminals with violence and rats and infectious disease and sometimes 100 people in one room! I guess ,the benefit there is…that children are with one of the parents.
Image little children there. So…yes…Refugees are concerned about safety issues and do not wish to go outside too often. But if they never go out – they are at risk of losing their mental health. Regardless of a risk, there are times they need to go out. They go Refugee Centers weekly. They want children to get some basic Education and adults can meet other parents there. They also get lunch at the Refugee center so it helps the families. At least one meal is taken care of.
You are criminal in the eyes of the Host Country – just for being a Refugee.
The authorities know you are there because your home country was not safe for you. They realize that but still in the Eyes of the law you are criminal because you are Refugee and they do not want Refugees there.
It is their way to sending a message to the world “Refugees do not come here “ They really don’t care if you are a real nice, honest and decent human being. It won’t matter if you pray hundred times a day and are well educated and able to prove it. They don’t care if you treat everyone with dignity and respect in your every day life.
You are Criminal because you sought Asylum in their country. It is that simple.
Late Evenings are cool after the heat is gone down so it is a good time to sit outside. Local people sit outside because the Apartments get too hot. People like Socializing outside in the dark. They cool off and share news. If locals do not talk English they will not talk to Refugees and yet they are friendly people. They can buy food from little corner stores in the evening when it is cool and dark and not too many Police officers are around. They can also try to go to Church if local believers give them a ride to Church. That is also a risk because often Police officers go to Churches and look for Refugees there. It is very frightening experience for everyone involved.
Third world countries have very affordable phones and they are as good as the ones we buy here, even though -the Phones are very cheap. With various apps on their phones, they can maintain connection to relatives and friend all over the world. That is their Social Life.
The lack of normal freedoms and social Interacting with others has a real effect on the parents and the children. The lack of being able to visit and talk with friends and share Good and bad news means they keep their feelings all locked inside and it creates some sort of oppression over them because humans do best when they interact with others. Many Refugees have a sort of a closed look on their faces. A look of deep sadness on them.
The lack of being able to spend time outdoors has also a negative effect on people. Humans need fresh air and Nature to stay healthy emotionally and physically.
As a Refugee you do not have Freedom to Enjoy your life and neither do your Children.
Forget going to MacDonalds for a treat. Forget going Swimming to the local Pool. Forget going to the mall just because it is too hot outside and it is nice to spend time in the mall and it keeps kids cool and parents enjoy being outside. Forget walking outside around your neighborhood and saying Hello to your neighbor. Forget anything spontaneous and Fun.
That is how it is for Refugees. Their life is very different from our life. They need our Prayers. They need our HELP.