Conditions in Detention Centers in Thailand
Journalists from various countries and media outlets have published countless articles on Detention Centers in Thailand. Media outlets such as BBC News and Al Jazeera News have given accurate details of life in Thailand Detention Centers. The “Nation” Media outlet and Various Asian and European newspapers have published many Stories and videos about Refugee issues in Thailand.
They claim the whole reason for sending Refugees to Detention centers is based on Thai policy that claims they aim to Reduce Refugee population in Thailand by 80 %. They Aim to do it by sending countless innocent people into Detention Centers. Many refugees die there from the harsh conditions and the stress and hunger.
–Problem is the Refugees have nowhere to go. The United Nations Is not helping them find Sponsoring countries so people stay in hiding or in Detention Centers for years and years. Many people die there or go insane.
These are our Christian Sisters and Brothers in the Lord. Somehow Western Nations forgot that and continue to forget the fact. They are Persecuted Christians. Refugee life is constant fear and anxiety. They always look over their shoulder to see if someone is following.
Amnesty International Reports that the Detention centers in Thailand are much worse than Prisons. Detention centers have rooms that offer 1.9 meters for each person. If you have 100 people in the room-many of them end up sleeping while standing up. Or sitting up. Sometimes they have to take turns to sleep because there is no room to sleep. They sleep on hard floors. The rooms are filthy and nobody cares to Clean them up. They are kept like animals.
People can buy some basic necessities from the Detention center. If family or friends cannot financially help them –they will have a very hard time there and will starve. The food Detention center comes in very small portions and the food is not good. If the family members can give them money, they buy things at a marked-up price. Mostly they buy – drinking water, honey, bread, rice. Noodles. Soap.
Young children worry if parents end up in Detention Center what happens to them? There are no services for them. Unfortunately, most of the time children are sent to prison with their parents. Innocent parents and children surrounded by real Criminals.
Refugees are people who were seeking safety and what they found was heartbreak and more trouble. First, they were persecuted in their own country and now the host country is punishing them for being a Refugee.
What they want is freedom and safety and a better future for their children.