Why would God care for Christian Refugees – Persecuted Christians ?

Why Would God Care for Persecuted Christians ?

The  Christian Refugees in Thailand ?                          Christian Refugees

The right Question should be :

Why would God care for anyone ?

Why would God care for you – or – me ?


John 3 :16  says : 

God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him  would not perish but have everlasting life. That is the Answer. For you and for me and for your friends and for your Loved ones.


God LOVED the World so much that He gave His Only Son that Whosoever believes in Him should not Perish but have Eternal Life. He gives us All a Choice to Follow Him and Love Him.


God wants us to be Part of His Family. God wants us to belong to  Him.He-Who is the King of Kings and to the Lord of Lords.  He wants you to belong to The Only True God. Imagine that. That is amazing and it is powerful and wonderful to think about.

This God- the Only True God- Calls us His Children if we believe in His Son and follow Him. This God, the Only True God – calls us His Family if we believe in His Son and follow Him.

That is why God cares for Persecuted Christians.Christian Refugees.They belong to Him. They are His Family. They are His Children. They are His Beloved . They follow Him and Call on His Name.

There are earthly Kingdoms and Earthly kings who eventually die and are buried. After they are gone people evaluate their life and see if they did any good while they were here. Some Kings and Queens genuinely saw their position as being Servants and being called to Serve. Others not so. Some used their position for their own purposes and cared less for the suffering of people around them.

It’s  often been said that the British Queen Elisabeth  genuinely believed that being a Queen was a calling  to serve the people. She died and she is now gone.But she left a  legacy of being  a  faithful service to the people and the King of Heaven whom she loved..

In the same way – the King of Heaven calls us to be His own and He also calls us to Serve and to regard the ones who suffer and are in need of help. If you are a follower of Jesus -you are a servant of the Most High God – The  True  King of Heaven. The Only True God…He says it is our duty to serve Him and help others. We need to take this seriously. We  need to consider the Persecuted Christians who are part of the Body of Christ and for no fault of their own are suffering, crying and praying for a solution to their  situation.

                             God Cares for Persecuted Christians / Christian Refugees in Thailand.

He cares because they are part of His Family. They belong to Him. They are the Apple of His Eye. God is proud of the Ones-who Suffered for His Name’s Sake. And stayed faithful .It is time we start helping them.

                                                         It is the  time we  all  say :  “ You are our Sisters and Brothers and we will help you.”


Bible Says ,Our God is the King Eternal. Immortal ,invisible ,the Only God…to Him we must give honor and Glory forever. Amen.                                 I. Tim 1:17

We honor God by helping His Family. Helping His People. By being His Hands Extended. We are not to neglect the Family of God and forget their suffering. Christian Refugees need our help. 


“Then I praised the Most High; I honored and glorified him who lives forever. His dominion is an eternal dominion; his kingdom endures from generation to generation…Now ,I  praise and exalt and glorify the King of heaven, because everything he does is right and all his ways are just” 

(Daniel 4:34, 37).