The Forgotten People.

friendshipThe Forgotten People

When the Founder of “Hearts and Hands for Refugees Canada” – called the newest family, we are sponsoring he got an interesting reply.

She said:  “For ten years, our family has lived here and no one has asked “How are you doing?”  Or “How are your Children?”  We feel that your organization and us are becoming a Family. Now someone cares about us.  Many organizations come and make promises we never see them, again. You say : “Pray for Hearts and Hands For Refugees Canada- …then we can help more Refugees.  “ Reality is they pray daily for us. Every day.

Other family said:   Brother I am heartbroken,  I don’t know what to do ,can you give me advise? After long discussion he says:‘ This is the first time. someone explained things to us. Now I understand. I have lived here so long and to have someone to talk from the outside and give advise is good. I feel better ,now. Thank you “

These are the Forgotten People. Forgotten by the World.

But not forgotten by God. To Our Heavenly Father, they are His Children. He loves them and He cares for them. He hears Their cries. Hearts and Hands for Refugees Canada –wants to maintain Personal Connection with the people we Sponsor. It might not always be possible but over time we will find new ways to maintain connection.

No One wants to be part of the Forgotten People.

Yes, we know the Isolation issues are big issues in all the Western Nations, as well. Many people feel forgotten in our big cities and busy lifestyles. These issues are very real and it has created many social problems. It has been said that this generation of Western people are called the “Lonely People “ It seems to a large degree; Western Nations have lost their sense of Community; sense of Honor and value of Family and the results are very visible in every Country.

We have also forgotten the Christian Refugees in Thailand.

They have become the Forgotten People.

Will you Pray for Christian Refugees in Thailand?

We need your Prayers.

We need Sponsors.


