Modern Day Robin Hood.

robin hoodModern Day Robin Hoods.

We have all heard the  story about Robin Hood. He was the Folk hero in England, who helped the Poor and Outcast and Suffering people. Nobody really knows if the story is true and based on History or if it is just fictional story dealing with the era. The story is set to around year 1300. The English social system had two classes of people. The rich and the poor and thus the idea of Robin Hood was born. From the struggle and poverty of the people.

The Idea of the story was that Robin Hood stole from the rich to help the poor. According to the story his motivation was that he stood against the injustices heaped upon the poor and their treatment among the well to do people. Robin Hood and “his merry men”  lived in hiding in the forest and created their own worldview and way to dealing with the injustices they saw around them. They also made friends with some of the well to do people and some of them secretly helped them. In some sense Injustices have always been around. In every country and every continent. It is my personal belief that wherever people go there is trouble. It just is that way. There are no perfect countries anywhere. On this earth there is a lot of struggle for all of us and some struggle more than others.

Thinking of Refugees…there is a real correlation here between Robin Hood and Refugee lifestyle.

We do have so many well to do countries and then we many extremely poor Refugees and it makes people wonder about the injustices all around us. It makes us think;

Where are the Modern-Day Robin Hoods who will stand for the poor Refugees and help them?

Of course, we do not wish the Modern-Day Robin Hoods would start robbing the local Banks etc. or well to do neighbors. Rather we think, that we need people who are mindful of the Suffering and Poverty of Refugees. People who are willing to fight for Justice for them. It brings us back to the ” Tikkun Olam ” Hebrew saying that means ” Repairing the Broken World.

How can we Repair the Broken world ?  To some it means…praying for Refugees. Prayer is most needed. It is powerful. Prayer pushes back the darkness. Some donate money ,so Refugees can feed their families and have one month without worry -where the money comes from to feed the kids ?  Other offer practical help. There are so many ways to help others.

There are also people in this world who “Rob the Refugees “. They charge money for their so called: “Help “ You would think, poor would help poor…but often poverty brings worst out of people and some take advantage of other poor people.  Then there are many Western groups who go to Thailand during the Holiday season-  they help few families (once a year) with little bit of money and take lots of photos  and post them on their website to raise funds and quietly disappear .They give apparency of caring but it is only once a year .It is very public and very impersonal and it stops right there.

Our focus is to stay involved. Month after month. Making sure they  have shelter and food for their families. We make sure they have someone to talk to when they are scared and alone. We get phone calls weekly from our families. Children are sick or one of our families had mother in the hospital and we helped the family with the cost of her care. Sometimes people just need someone to listen. That is what we can do. It might seem very little to people in Canada but believe me ,to them it is a huge thing that someone calls them or listens to them.

We live in a world that is motivated by creed and desire for gain. Or they simply make empty promises .Their actions mock the poor. It brings shame to all of us. But …we cannot stop at all this  and  start looking at what others might do wrong. We need to turn our eyes to what others do right. It is true the ones who “mock the poor ” by their  actions bring shame to all the people- who genuinely care -and work year after year in helping Refugee Families and often in difficult circumstances. There are so many good organizations and most of them work tirelessly to help others. We must never think everyone is crooked and dishonest. There are  many good people out there. Doing good work among Refugees.

In a real sense, it is heart breaking to be around Refugees because pretty fast you come to realize  that to even make a little dent to their suffering….we need money. I do not like asking for money .It is not my thing. I like giving.  But ….in this work – helping Refugees we must learn to ask for donations, so we can help our Refugee Families and bring them Hope and Joy by our actions and continual support.

We need to pray God sends us Modern Day Robin Hoods whose hearts desire to help the Refugees . Modern Day Robin Hoods will not live in the forest.  They live in Cities .They live in houses and apartments and work full time. But their mindset is to share their personal bounty with Suffering Refugees. They are generous with what they have. They share and they Care. And they Pray and seek God.

I always think, we do not take anything out of this world-after we pass away. It all stays here. Might as well, use our funds and talents to be a blessing to others. There is such a JOY in giving to others. To share your life with others. Giving brings Joy to the giver and more so to the ones who receive .

Would you like to be a Modern-Day Robin Hood ? 

Would you like to  help us  – so we can bring Hope and Joy to many more families ?