Our little guy is going to kindergarten and we had to find black pants for him. He is such a tiny little human…practically all the pants fall off him, unless the pants have elastic band and then they stay on.
It is definitely a new season for him and us. The hardest thing for children to understand is that not everyone likes them. If they have been well loved by the family and knew the security of a stable life – it is a shock to them to find out someone might not think they are the greatest person in the universe. Parents show love to the little ones and they simply assume everyone feels the same way about them. So, we are praying he will adjust and will be accepted in the school by the other children and the teachers. This is important.
With each new Season comes also shopping related to that season. People need clothes for the Fall season and Winter, Spring and Summer Seasons. People talk about it, think about it and then they go shopping.
These same principles apply to our Refugee Families. They were also loved by their Families when they were born and still cute little children. Their parents showed them off to their neighbors and friends and relatives and they all loved them. This is how it should be. Then these very same children – grow up and go to school find out someone hates them because their parents are Christians and they mistreat them. When they grow up, they get death threats and sometimes their houses are burned down or their daughters are forced to marry men who hate Christianity. Many of them end up fleeing for their lives and end up in Thailand as Refugees.
Refugees find many times over that they are not liked by others. In Thailand they find out people hate them- and now the reason they are hated is because they are Refugees. No matter what, they find out -they are not accepted. Not in their country of birth -or- in Thailand and the rest of the world seem to forget them, as well. Yet…at some point they were so loved by their parents and community and looked towards life with such excitement and joy and were eager to interact with people and learn new things.
Refugees in Thailand – do not go shopping for new clothes. People only go shopping if they have money for it. They get other peoples used clothes from a bin designated to Refugees by the United Nations or some International agency. One of our Families, a mother of two little boys said: ” I Have not had new clothes in 10 years. Sometimes we go to the Shopping Mall and look around and I show my husband something I like and he says; “ Since we have no money- there is no point looking.” That is Refugee life. Some people learn to sew and find fabrics and make their own clothes or maybe someone sends them funds so they can buy clothes.
When our Leader for Hearts and Hands for Refugees Canada- listened to her talk on the phone…he did not say anything. He simply listens. He listens daily for 3- 5 hours for people and their concerns. Our families like to feel connected, so they call him and talk about their children and share about big and small matters in their lives.
But the little talk on the phone got him thinking…he called me and said…
“We need to look if we have extra money. Maybe we can afford to help them with the cost of clothes ?”That month, we helped this family so they can buy clothes. She cried and cried and said: “Nobody has asks us how we are doing. Nobody cares and you help us with the cost of clothes. This is so amazing. Thank you so much. For the past 10 years we have lived like this. Never knowing if we have money for food or rent and then we meet you and now we have family. Family who cares.”
Last month we sent Photos to them. You might not think this is a big deal but we aim to keep our Service to Refugees Personal and let them know we care. Typically, Western Visitors to Thailand take many photos of Refugees and give promises to help them but they all disappear. They come and they go. They don’t help. They got used to it. Words and promises do not mean much there.
We had photos taken of all our families when they meet monthly .We printed the photos and made a Collage and sent it to them. Our pastors framed the photos. It brought so much Joy to them. We don’t publish their photos and sad living conditions and use them to raise funds in the Western Nations. We don’t post our personal photos, either. We are happy to meet personally with anyone interested in sponsoring Christian Refugees in Thailand.
Our Families have said over and over: “Nobody does these kind of things with Refugees. This is so different. You don’t make big promises. You simply do things. You show us you care We feel so happy. You don’t promise big things…you tell us the truth; you can only help Refugees as people in Canada and elsewhere stand with you and are willing to Sponsor Families.”
As Western people, we might think it is not a big deal to send postcards and photos to our families – but we aim to let them know…they are not just a name on a paper. They are important. They are real humans. We do it because we care. Every Human Being deserves to be treated with Respect. Our families need kindness and they need encouragement.
We need two kinds of Sponsorships ;
1) Sponsor Family in Thailand
2) Sponsor Family to Canada