You might think, why do we talk about JOY GIVERS ?
We talk about giving JOY because we believe when people’s lives and hearts are broken there is nothing they need more than JOY.
Bible talks about ” OIL OF JOY ” Isaiah 61:3-10
Western world has created many kinds of therapies to help people deal with brokenness but God says…what they need is JOY.
At Hearts and Hands for Refugees Canada – we focus on bringing Joy to the Refugees in Thailand. We do this with acts of Kindness and providing Emotional and Spiritual Support and that itself releases the JOY of the Lord into people’s lives. We maintain connection to our families on weekly and monthly basis.
We also believe in the power of Prayer -as we Pray God will do a deep work in each heart and set them free. We need Prayer warriors who pray for our Refugee Families and call on the Light of Jesus to shine upon their hearts. We know we cannot fix it all – we don’t have one size solution that fits all . We simply do what we can. When we started helping the Refugees, I felt we were about to enter a dark world . Many times I have felt the darkness that surrounds these people and the injustices and hopelessness they carry. It is very real. That is why we need Prayer Warriors. Not everyone can give money and sponsor people financially. But still -everyone can give something.
– your prayers are powerful and they are a gift
– your support by words and actions is a gift
– your helpful messages are a gift
Would you like to send an encouraging letter to our families ?
Would you and your friends wish to tell them – someone in Canada is praying for them ? You can do that ! You can send your letters and prayers to us and we print them out and send them to our families. We want them to know they are not alone. That someone cares about them. Our visiting team- visits our families regularly and they say that the change in the people is very real -since the time they started visiting them and to see how they look and act today.
They are more : Joyful.
They are more ; Confident.
They are more : Eager to help others.
They are more : Hopeful.
Little acts of Kindness go a long way and yes…you and your friends can become JOY GIVERS. Maybe you cannot give money – that is ok. Send us an encouraging Poem. A letter. A postcard and we will send it to our families in Thailand. You can be a Joy Giver. You are needed.
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