I think, we all need to Realise that Refugees are just like all the other people we know..They have hopes and dreams and they want easier life and good opportunites for their Children.
They undestand their children need good Education and good friends and need to learn English . Most of their children speak English . Some more than others.But yes,most do.They understand they need to find jobs and they are more than willing. But they also carry a lot of trauma. Their negative experienced have marked them and that brokeness is there. They might find it hard to trust others and might have to deal with Fears and Anxieties for a long time. Coming to Canada is a new beginning for Refugees who have a Sponsoring Church in Canada – or- group of 5 families who wish to Resettle a Refugee Family to Canada.
Adjusting and Healing takes time. Some of them have been in Jail because Thailand government puts Refugees in Jails – simply because they are Refugees.That is hard thing to forget. Their Jails are not like in the Western Nations. We can Safely say,yes they carry some sad memories. But they also have a Faith and that also carries them and helps them sort out the differences and helps them to Adjust to new life in Canada.
I think, most Refugees are Incredible resilient and brave people. They deserve our Respect and our Prayers and Love. They get quickly involved in Canadian Churches because that is the most uplifting thing for anyone. There is nothing better than Singing Praises to God and Praying with God’s People.It gives them strenght to go on.
Here is a Picture of a Brave Woman with a Brave Heart .She is Special. She was sent to Jail for two years .She has suffered and she has cried and prayed for God to bring her out of Thailand.
Lets Pray for this very Brave woman- with a very Brave Heart —to find a Church Sponsor in Canada.
Her dream is to Preach the Gospel and and Help others.