It is with great Joy and sense of privilege that we share our vision of Helping Christian Refugees in Thailand with you and your friends.
Our Founder and Executive Director, spent 6 years of his life in Thailand as a Refugee and knows full well the suffering and trials of Refugees. He is now in Canada and shares his Story with others.
We are helping Refugees in Thailand – with shelter and food costs while they are waiting to be accepted to a third country.
Our pastoral team in Thailand visits the families we sponsor on a monthly basis and spends time with them hearing their concerns and encouraging them. The pastoral visits mean a lot for the Refugees who have lived so long in isolation and fear. We receive monthly reports of the visits – and are well aware how each family is coping. They also call us weekly in Canada and share their concerns with us. Our sponsored families are treated with respect and kindness.
In Canada we cannot even Imagine the Suffering many Refugees encounter daily, weekly and monthly with no end in Sight. Many Refugees have waited 10-30 years for someone to Sponsor them to Canada.
We pray many Canadian Churches start Sponsoring Refugee families and become an answer to the prayers of God’s People in Crises.
Our founder has shared his personal story with many people. He is willing to visit with you personally or to come as a speaker to your local church or any special event for Refugees. Please write us to set up a time that is convenient
All the Donations go to Christian Refugees in Thailand.
Registered non-profit organization in Canada