November 2,2024 is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church across the World
It is very important, we realize there are many good, solid Christian Organizations who have worked for years and years with Persecuted Christians all over the World.
We @ Hearts and Hands for Refugees Canada – focus on Persecuted Pakistani Christians- who are living in Thailand after escaping from their home Country
. God loves Refugees and we Love our Families. This work has taught us a lot about Suffering. The silent suffering and the ” I will tell you my story ” suffering. In a real sense – we cannot measure suffering on a scale. We cannot measure which suffering is worst kind of suffering and which is less. Suffering is simply suffering. But, let me tell you – being a Refugee is REAL suffering. Not knowing if there is food for your Children. Not knowing if their family is together tomorrow, is suffering. Living in fear and uncertainty is suffering.
Our main focus is on serving Pakistani Christians living in Captivity in Thailand. We serve Urban Refugees
Some Rough estimates say there are about 10.000 Pakistani Christians living in Thailand. It might be much more. Nobody has the real numbers but that is a good estimate. Many Christian Refugees live in the Refugee Camps but most live in the cities. When Refugees live in the Cities -they are called URBAN REFUGEES. They hide in plain sight and pray God keeps them safe. Their safety is very much up and down, from one day to the other ,and the whole idea of Safety is non existing to them. Many Christian Refugees end up in Jail because Thai Government has its own ideas how to deal with Refugee issues. Our Christian Refugees in Thailand are Persecuted Christians .They need our Prayers. They need our Support.
Our Desire is to bring Comfort and Encouragement to our Families. We are personally involved with our families. They call us and we send them Mail via Canada Post -so they know they are not alone. That in itself is very beneficial for their mental health and encouragement to them. We cannot fix it all. We cannot remove the suffering by snapping our fingers together, but we can do something. We need many Sponsors to make a difference.
We provide for the basic needs such as food and shelter cost and we provide Spiritual encouragement.
Since we started working with our Families -there has been a profound change in their mindset and emotional wellbeing. They are more at Peace. They are more Confident. They are more Joyful. We hear their stories. We hear the sad stories and good stories. We hear the crying on the phone. We hear fearful stories. We hear all of it and yet…. the new under current in our families is Hope. There is Hope that God can help them. There is Hope that God can turn things around. Just seeing their smiles. Hearing the Joy in their Voices -is worth it.
Will you JOIN US in bringing Hope to Christian Refugees ?
Blessings to you and yours,
Hearts and Hands for Refugees Canada.