The Question everyone asks at some point in their life

 The question everyone is ask at some point in their life ; Why does God Allow Suffering ?

I am sure ,you hope I have a  really intelligent, simple answer to that one, but I don’t . Sorry. I do not have simple answer to all the evil that happens in the World. In its most simplest form, I think suffering can be divided to two categories. One category that causes suffering in peoples lives  is our own Sins / our  own choices- Then then other category is -other peoples sin and that category creates a very  long list. Ask Refugees what they went through. They suffered for the sins of others. The Evil in the hearts of people who wanted to murder them and their families and it forced them to  escape from their country to find safety.

Of course, there are other categories as well…but that is the simplest form. We live in the world that is not under the direction and control of the Prince of Peace whose name is Jesus. Right now we live in a period of ” You can Choose how you life and Who you serve ” God will never force us to do right or to force us to follow Him and Love Him. So-that falls into the Category : You Can Choose how you live and Who you serve ”   We are living in the Era that God has allowed each one of to Choose to Serve our own ideas and desires – or to Follow Him and let Him Direct us. Free will is a powerful thing and it is very scary issue -because it is causing so much pain in the world.

We all read the Book of Job and he is grappling with the Issue of Suffering and trying to find meaning in the midst of it. Job found out – his friend were real bad counsellors. They did not understand God or Him…so he had to take it up with God. He had some very confronting words that he gave to God. The interesting thing is that God was not mad at him for challenging him. He simply replied with Truth. God loves us in our Pain. He loves us in our Suffering and He does not turn His Face away.

The Interesting thing I find in the Bible are the words of Paul, where he said... I.Cor 4:9  For it seems to me that God has put us apostles on display at the end of the procession, like those condemned to die in the arena. We have been made a spectacle to the whole universe, to angels as well as to human beings.

What it says ,is that our lives on earth are lived before God and People around us and Angels and Demons and People who went before us. The whole idea that we just live for ourselves is very false. We are on a Arena-being watched day and night. Whether we realize it or not.  We are seen by whole lot more beings than we realize and it also means, our life is testimony to all these spectators. We build the Kingdom of God by our Choices and Actions. By our devotion to God. By our Prayers. By our Kindness and Service. The Kingdom of GOD – for now….- is invisible and it is also Eternal. It will never disappear and it will never end. We do not see the Kingdom of God -as right now…but it is there. And we are being seen. The Kingdom of God will be made visible and we will be part of it – if we follow Christ.

If we don’t follow Christ – we will never be part of the Kingdom of God.  Some people say , I am good person, I do lots of good and give money to poor…so I should get to Heaven. By your good works ? By giving Money ? Sorry….You cannot buy piece of Heaven by giving money to Refugees -or- any other group. Sorry…but that is what God says in His Word. He says…only the ones WHO BELIEVE….and Come to Him…are part of the Kingdom. So…you cant buy it by good works.

Issue of Suffering at the real deep sense is mystery . Why God allows Suffering is for a large part based on Free Will. We can serve God and His Purposes or just live for ourselves. If we want more answers we all need to walk with God and He will Reveal Wisdom to us and Teach us. I would recommend reading book of Job in the Bible. It deals with the issue of Suffering. But at the core -we must realize God ‘s answer to suffering and sin in peoples lives is JESUS. He is the Prince of Peace and He can Restore and Heal that which was broken, stole and lost . We see GOD restore lives in every part of the World. When people call on Him -they find Him to be enough. His answers satisfy our hearts and brings the Peace we need.

Blessings to you and yours,

Hearts and Hands for Refugees Canada
