Walk of Tears and Prayers

All Our Christian Families were born in Pakistan. Each Organization has their own focus and mandate, ours is to help Persecuted Christians in Thailand

Where these Refugees were born, that country does not uphold human rights or give freedom for people to choose what Faith they follow. As a Result, many Christians suffer greatly.Sometimes, people are forced to flee, because people in certain countries are not only anti -Christian, but they also act out their hatred towards them. Nobody would leave their home country unless they really had to. Why would they want to go through so much stress and sorrow as they all go through for being Refugee ?  Some countries target Christians. The easiest way to create problems for Christians is to place ” Blasphemy ” Accusation against a Christian family. That means certain death. There is no escape from Blasphemy Accusations. That is why Thailand has so many Christians refugees.  Internet is full of information about these things, this is common knowledge.

One of our families tell their story:  This family of two parents and 3 children had quiet life and minded their own business. Both parents worked at the local hospital. At some point the harassment against this Christian couple started increasing and they received more and more threats. As a result, the mother went to the local Police Station and filed a complaint of not being safe at her workplace. At this point, she still believed she might get some help or justice, but of course – no help was coming, as the citizen and Police support each other. There are no rights for Christians. Police ignored the complaint, and they continued to work at the Hospital, hoping things will settle down. Things did not Settle down. Things got worse and worse.

The Ringleader for the Anti- Christian sentiments was very aggressive and vocal person and soon got few others to join him in harassing them. Since they knew the law is on their side and nobody would stop them – they got more aggressive. One day three men -came to their house with guns in their hands. This was in the middle of the day, in a broad daylight. They started screaming and yelling and verbally abusing the family and shooting their guns. The children found hiding spots and the father faced the men. They were shooting at the door and walls and screaming. Someone called the Police as the neighbors heard the noise.

The men yelled and said…”We will put ” Blasphemy accusation ” on you!!  That in basic English mean…you days are numbered. In most cases – it will happen in few hours- or- next day. They do not waste time. These are not idle threats. The shooting and screaming and threats went on until Police came. Miracle that day was they did not kill anyone. God spared their lives, and they are able to tell their story. This is very common in that country and Christians know how it is. Mob violence is very common against Christians. They can burn houses and Churches and kill many people in one incident. They target Christians and they use the idea of ‘ Blasphemy’ -against Christians. Main reason is that they hate Christianity.

Either way, the family had no other choice but to flee – or they would have been killed. The decision to leave is not easy on families. Some people have money, so they can leave the country and seek safety. Many do not have money, and they stay and get killed. Or try to find place to hide within their own country. This family came to Thailand to seek safety and simply wanted to save their lives.

For over 10 years, they have waited and prayed for a new Home Country and so far, -it has not happened. We need Sponsors who will say, we will Support this family to Canada

The mother is a Nurse by Profession. Father worked as a Lab Technician. Canada is short on Health Care Workers -so they would fit into that category. We realize they would need to go to school and get upgrading. They have learned to survive in extreme difficult circumstances in Thailand and they can do the same in Canada.

The whole family speaks English and are willing to learn more. They are very positive people and love to interact with people. They are honest and generous people who help others. They and are cheerful and fun to be with. You would love this family in your neighborhood.

They just need one Church to say…We will Support this family.



Problem with Refugees is that they do not know how to represent themselves or their specific case to the refugee committee. They have never been in such a situation before. They are in the state of panic and full of fear. Many of them do not communicate well, even in their own language and now they need to speak in English, and it is simply impossible. Also, for them to be forced to speak in front of people who will decide their fate- is a very threatening situation, so they lose the ability to think clearly. They have no legal help in their own language and no legal representation. No proper translation services, either.

The Refugee Committee provides translators for Christian Asylum seekers, but they are anti -Christian translators. You can just imagine how that translation goes. Most Christian Refugees are rejected right off the get go. Without any fairness. Most of the Refugees say the Refugee Committee is not helping Christian Refugees. Reality is that very few Christians ever get out. This is common knowledge. Media has reported these kind of issues for years. It is not something people do not know about.

Now – on the other hand…Some other Faith Groups and their refugees get have legal representation right away and translation services and they are always accepted. No matter what. Can you see the difference ?

Is this fair towards Christian Refugees? We know about these things because our people have seen it and experienced it over and over again. This is common knowledge. When Christian families file applications to a refugee committee – their pile of application forms can be easily 1000 pages deep. That pile of documents is quickly placed under the table.  They simply say: OH, well, these Christians can wait. When other faith groups set their Documents on the table, they get Refugee Status instantly. There is much of sadness in these situations and the families we deal with- have seen it with their own eyes. They know it. They heard it and experienced it.

 Sad part is that many people who waited for 10-20 years for freedom. It is more than a human tragedy. 

The Refugee Interviews at the Committee -are more like interrogations. They discredit their stories and question them. These interviews go on 7-8 hours and there is no food or drinks offered. They just keep asking questions over and over and it wears the people out. They get very upset and frustrated. It seems the interviewers have no intention of believing one word of their story. A person must have nerves of steel to survive seven hours of this at the Refugee Office. Most families go through it several times and remember most of them cannot speak English and represent themselves. The ones who do speak little bit of English are not fluent in it, so it puts them at disadvantage. Many refugees come from little villages and have never been out of their country. Many of them have no idea about legal matters and maybe had no education, either. Situations like this are way over their heads.  Often, they panic and get mixed up with their words and stories and to the listener it sounds like gibberish, and they get rejected.

Unfortunately, this is how it is. It is heart breaking because ultimately, we want our Families out of Thailand.

In fact, Thailand wants all Refugees out – as soon – as possible. For that to happen…we need someone who believes their story and gives them the documents they need to get out of Thailand. They deserve a chance at Freedom. They have suffered enough. They have waited long enough.

Your Church can say; We will take this family to Canada. This family will be protected by us. They need Freedom