Christmas Gifts

Best Gifts to give at Christmas:

1) Show Love to People and Pray for people . Appreciate  people in your life.

2) But most of all…. give your heart to Jesus. Love Him and Praise Him.

In Today’s World people are so busy, they have no time.

It takes time to build connections and true relationships.

We need to focus on what is important in life and guess what: It is People.

Most of the people are so busy, they have no time for God ,either.

Relationship with God is the most important relationship we can have.


Please, take time this Christmas to Thank God for the Gift of His Son Jesus.

Jesus is not just a nice Christmas Story. It is much more. It is  the greatest miracle in human history.

God became a man to build a bridge between Sinful man and God. He became a man and He did not have to.

He did because God Loves People and wants a heart connection with People.

Please, take time to pray:

Lord – I know you are the Only  True Treasure in my life.

Other things are temporary. Let my heart Align with yours.

Let me walk with you and learn from you.

I want to know you and serve you with my whole heart.


Be Thankful to God for the Greatest Gift ever Given. Jesus is the Best Gift.

Be Thankful to God and take time to show friends and family you care.