Dog Food and Refugee Issues

Refugees Pet Food ~ and Refugee Issues.

You know, when my Grandma was young, they had no special dog foods . They ate whatever humans ate and they got bones as a special treat. The dogs lived a long life and everyone was happy. Now they all eat commercially prepared Dog foods and people spend lots of money of Feeding their Pets. And Entertaining their Pets.

Average Family spends about $ 400 – $ 700 dollar / year on basic Dog food. Not to mention buying special vitamins, special Raw foods etc. Most people buy Special Dog Treats and Toys to their furry little friends. They take them for a Grooming and Dog Daycare. They provide Immunization, I heard one Dog Daycare even had Swimming pool for the Dogs. They also buy Jackets and Shoes for Dogs. They have Dog Hotels and Dog walkers etc. services for Dogs.

Not to mention now they even have special Wedding Ceremonies for Dogs. I mean it has really become a big industry. And the dogs are happy. I hope 🙂

All of that good care for the pets cost thousands of dollars each year. In the Western World there is so much money put out -in so many ways ,but often we forget that people out there have real needs too and we could help them in the midst of our busy lives .

We could could think about offering Support to people who have nothing. Really Nothing.

                                       $ 100 can feed a family for one month 

                  Imagine that  ONE FAMILY can eat the whole month for $ 100 dollars !!! 

                  Our  Refugee Families do not live in Luxury. They will not eat Fancy  

PS ) I have no intention of hurting pet owners feelings. Of course, people love pets and they are important part of our lives. That is fine. I am just saying that on the scale of what life is all about - 

                               Lets  Remember the Less Fortunate

                                Lets Pray for them -Lets Support them.

Support for Refugees