Happy New Year-2025

We Wish you a Happy New and Many Blessings to everyone 

I always like New Year – it is like turning a new page on the book and this book we have not read as yet and we do not know what the story line is going to be. Most of our life is like that. We do not know what tomorrow holds and what kind of struggles each one of us will be facing. Only thing we do know is  -that we have is  today. We cannot live in the past and we cannot live in the Future. We only have today. This Day – Today – is a Gift  from our Heavenly Father  and we need to live fully in this knowledge and  in this moment. Whatever we do ,we do it with all our heart.

Other very important thing is …LEARN TO BE THANKFUL.  We all need to remember that and practice that. Some people are never thankful and they are never positive. They always complain. It is hard to be around people who always complain.  For all of us it is good to be thankful. It is good for our health and it is good for our spiritual life. It is good for our emotions. If we look for the bad -we will always find it. If we look for the good in our lives – we  will find that ,as well. There is always something to be thankful for.

I am thankful for a home. There are many countries where they do not have indoor bathrooms. It is good to be thankful for that kind of things,too. I am thankful for running water in the house. And hot showers . We need to be thankful for water. I am thankful for a bed to sleep on. I am thankful for clothes and food and health. There is so much to be thankful about. We need to start this New Year-2025 with a Thankful Heart. God has helped us – up to this Day and He will continue to help us. We must always come back to the knowledge that God is with us. Immanuel = God is with us. It is not depended on our circumstances and how good things are or how bad they are. Our walk with God is dependent on one thing only. That He is and He will Help His Own.

Our strength comes from the Lord. He is our Strength. He is our Joy Giver. He is our Peace Giver. If we lose our Joy – we can ask and God will Pour out His Joy over us. If we lose our Peace – We can Ask and He will restore Peace into our hearts. If we get disappointed in life – we look into His Word and see that His Promises are true. He has Promised to take care of us -no matter what happens in our lives.

Most people want a perfect life. I think, life on this earth is full of struggle but in the midst of it -we can come to know a Secret. His Name is Jesus. He is called the Prince of Peace. The one who paid the price for our Sins. He is our true help and our best friend. No matter what we go through He is always there ,cheering us on. As long as we remember that, we will be just fine. My Jesus walks with me. My Jesus talks with me. My Jesus tells me – I am His Own. Serving a God who Loves us and Helps  us -is wonderful gift to us. We must always come back to that knowledge.

Isaiah 12:4-5   And on that day you will say, “Give thanks to the LORD, call on His name. Make known His deeds among the peoples; make them remember that His name is exalted.” Praise the LORD in song, for He has done glorious things; let this be known throughout the earth.
James 1:17   Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
1 Chronicles 16:34  Oh give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; for His steadfast love endures forever!
Hebrews 12:28 Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe.

But while we are being Thankful to God – let us not forget to pray for Christian Refugees in Thailand. They have Prayed and they have waited a very long time to see answers to their prayers. We will pray God Himself will open the doors -so they will get out of Captivity and live in Freedom in Canada or USA and bring Glory to God by Praising His Name and Serving Him with a Thankful Heart.

I am so very glad to know our Refugee Families and I love hearing their stories. Yes, their lives have had lots of struggle but also lots of interesting situations and there has been many times, that they can say: “God Helped me out of that situation”  Let us continue to pray for many Miracles for our families in Thailand.

Blessings to you and yours, from all of us at  :Hearts and Hands for Refugees Canada
