I read a children’s book; called: Home for a Bunny. It is a very Classic Children’s book, with beautiful Illustrations and a sweet innocent story for little children. I liked the book because it was so simple and yet it gave a strong message of how important it is to have a Home and to feel you belong.
The Book kept repeating these thoughts:
– How he was going to find a Home of His Own. A home for A Bunny.A home of His Own. Where would Bunny find a Home?
When we translate these questions to an adult level and set it into an Refugee situation we are faced with a real Refugee dilemma:
Where do I find a Home ? Where do I find Safety? Where can I feel I belong?
Refugees keep looking and hoping and dreaming and asking: Where can I find a Home ? A Home of my Own ? Where I can feel safe and feel I belong?
Most of the Refugees have prayed for years. Been hoping for years. Cried for years. Lived in fear for years. They have lived between Fear and Hope for so long they barely know How many years have gone by and when you ask them you find some have waited for 10 years. Others for 20 years.
Hoping for a third country to accept them and give them a chance to live a normal life.Some have lived 20 years in Despair. Others have lived 10 years in Despair. That is a sad life. They have No home. There is no Place of their Own. They do not belong anywhere.
Some people say Refugee issue is purely Political issue. Some say the Laws can be changed and doors can be Opened and Miracles can happen.
Others say, Canada should Open their Doors for the Persecuted Christians to come and be accepted and feel they finally belong. They have waited long enough. They have cried more tears than we can imagine.
Thailand has maybe 10.000 or more Persecuted Christians there. They are forgotten by the World. They do not want any Refugees there and they let them know. Believe me every Refugee knows and they live in a state of fear constantly.
How many of them ended up in prison and died there ? Remember their Prisons are not like here. They got no Air conditioners Or TV’s. there. They pack 100 people into a room 10 X 20 and they can barely breathe there. There is a shower once a week and yes, they can drink water from a toilet. They share the room with rats and diseases and there is no medical care. I would not call that a Home.
One of the families we know her husband died in Prison.Another woman’s husband died as a result of prison. Remember; Refugees end up in prison – not for crimes committed but for the fact that they are Refugees seeking Safety. That is their only crime. They live in constant fear of being sent in Prison.
I think Refugees would relate to the story of a Bunny looking for a home.
They would go and live under a Tree in Canada if that is what it takes. The constant fear of possibly losing your children or spouse to a Prison where it is almost impossible to get out of ? That is not a good life. For anyone.
I think they would understand the Bunny book really well. The need for security. They need acceptance and warmth and belonging.
They need Future and Hope. For themselves and their Children.
Hearts and Hands for Refugees Canada – needs Sponsors who will help Christian Refugees to come to Canada so they can finally have a Home of their Own.
Please Pray with us – That many Persecuted Christians will find a Home in Canada.