I would hate to be in their shoes

 I would hate to be in their shoes

I am sorry if this Blog Post – sounds little bit negative. But, REALLY, I would hate to be in their shoes. Think about it…living as a Refugee, hiding and living in fear for 10 years straight. Or -like some families who lived as Refugees for 20 years. Praying and Hoping and Asking God for a Miracle.
I tell you – I would hate to be in their shoes.
Not knowing if their life will ever change. Seeing their children grow up without normalcy and proper education and the basic activities children are supposed to have. Not having freedom to go out and just enjoy life. Living in fear – all the time Always thinking Immigration Police might find them and throw them in Prison.

I tell you- I would hate to be in their shoes. Wouldn’t you ?

You might say…you talk about being Thankful and Trusting God and you would hate to be in their shoes.I must tell you -it is not contradiction. 
You can have faith and despair fighting for a center stage in your heart. All, at the same time. That is our humanity. But, in the midst of it all: We choose to trust God. We Choose not to focus on our ever-changing emotions. We Choose God and His Path for our life -every single day. It is easy to give into our emotions and say: I just give up. But, No-We must choose Life. God Himself is our Life. There is no Life apart from Him. He is the Way, The Truth and the Life.
We choose God in our despair, and we keep going. Some people say, Christian Refugees are so heroic and so strong and resilient. I must correct you on that. They are not any different than you are. They are simply in an Impossible situation. They have no other choice. When your whole life falls apart, you got no choice, but to keep walking. It is not about being resilient and strong and being a hero. Often people simply have no other choice. But, in the midst of the storm…there is JESUS. That is what makes it bearable.
Yes. IF I was living as a Refugee – I would trust God and I would be thankful- we made it through one more week and family is still intact. Yes, I would wrestle in my heart -until I would come to the other side of the issue and find my Peace in God. Of course…our hearts always return to Peace, if we walk with God-He helps us and He does a work in our hearts, so we can return to Peace.
Our hearts only find Peace in the Presence of God. That is our Hiding Place. That is our Stability. That is our Resting Place in the midst of all human struggles. We all know -we can always return to Peace, because SHALOM OF GOD – is where God has called us to be.
Where else can we go but to the Lord ?  Who else has the Words of Life -but our Lord ? There is nowhere else people can go but back to the place of prayer. We meet with the Lord at the Mercy Seat and find Grace to help us in our times of need.
But having said – ALL – that, I still would hate to be in their shoes.
Anyone in their right mind -would hate to be a Refugee. That is why I ask you to Pray for our Families. That is why I ask you to become a Sponsor. Because these people are our Brothers and Sisters and they deserve our Prayers and Love, and they want Freedom.
They need many hearts and hands in Canada to rise up and say: We Will Help them Find Freedom !