Introducing our Families…. part 7

The most amazing thing about our Famlies is that they have truly suffered intensly. Yet,they have such desire for Life and Laughter and Prayer and just being around other people.

I see so much potential and Joy in them. Our families meet monthly for Worship and Prayer and Meal. They love being together and sometimes we Join them on a Video Call and it brings them a lot of encouragement to know someone cares. I think our Families are Beautiful. In spite of having had so much hardships they are not angry and bitter. They are simply waiting for God to bring them out of Thailand to Freedom.

We need Church Sponsors – or – groups of 5 families – or business /organizations that say ; We can Sponsor One family. Send us Info how to do it. We are Ready to do this. That is what they Pray for and Hope for and Wait for .