Migratory Grieving

GrievingMigratory grieving means anyone who left their home country and grieves as a result. They might be Political Exiles, or Refugees escaping religious persecution, or they had to flee because of War. Some leave because of Poverty. For whatever reason they had to leave their country it will cause trauma and grieving.

Grieving means…there was a loss.

Loss can be many things: Refugees lost their close friends and Families, they lost hearing their familiar language .A Person’s Loss can be come out by feeling of not being sure who they are -because they have lost their position in the community. Also, people long for the Emotional belonging. They knew relatives and friends who accepted them. It is also knowing what was culturally expected from them. Knowing how things are done. Knowing how to go about things and who to talk to. Everything that was familiar and easy and comforting to them– is gone.

People like routine and familiarity in their daily lives. When that is gone, they start faltering. Cultural Identity and family history are important. Personal Identity is also important because if people lose their Country – “who you are”- starts grumbling. Identity it is mostly formed by the country and culture you live in and by your daily routines and familiar activities and by the people you interact with.

Loss can create fear and anxiety and sadness. People struggle to live in a new country and their hearts look back to where they came from .They wish to fit in with the new country and preserve their sanity when everything is turned upside down. It is a push- and -pull between past and present. It is the demand to adjust and not buckle under the pressure of their inner turmoil. Most Refugees are amazingly Resilient and adjust real well to their new countries and do well. Most Refugees become a real blessing to their new home country. But there is still grieving and adjusting before they feel they are totally settled.

People often say; that each country has its own sounds and smells and sights. We can experience it- the minute we enter the Airport. As a Tourist being on Holiday – it is all exciting and wonderful. You know you can go back home- but for a Refugee – going to new country is not a holiday. They are running for their lives and hoping to find safety somewhere / somehow. There is nothing exciting about being a refugee. They live in anxiety and their fears are extremely valid. They are afraid of never finding safety and acceptance.

Problem with being a Refugee is; They were Rejected  !

They were Rejected at the Deepest level; because they were rejected by their own people, their own culture and their own home country. Maybe For Religious reasons. Or for Political Reasons. Or because there is no Law and Order and Justice in that country. Someone decided their life was worth nothing and decided to kill them and their family. You better believe that is a real deep Rejection. It is more than Problematic. It is Tragic. We all know Humans can be cruel and no one knows it better than Refugees.

Refugees want to get to a safe country and they often carry the feeling that nobody wants them .Refugees  often wait for acceptance from a third country and many end up waiting anywhere from 10 -30 years .Imagine living between hope and despair for 10-30 years. That is a very sad life.

Being a Refugee creates a feeling of being dehumanized. It seems that no country is eager to take Refugees and that reflects on their sense of value as a human .They feel they lost their dignity. Many say they lost their Confidence. Being a Refugee is stressful and it is the deepest Rejection.