Our Families are Wonderful

              Our Refugee Brothers and Sisters in Christ are Persecuted Christians 

We are Part of the Family of God by faith in His Son Jesus Christ. Because of that connection we have sisters and brothers all over the world. We have brothers and sisters in Thailand among the Christian Refugees. They belong to God and they serve Him with their whole heart. They are Persecuted Christians who suffer for the Name of Jesus. They carry the wounds and scars from  years of turmoil and years of uncertainty.

Yet, they are like us. With dreams and hopes and excitement and moments of Joy and Sadness. Just like we all do. But what sets them apart, is that they lost everything because they Loved Jesus and would not deny His Name. We need to pray for our Brothers and Sisters and Bless them in Jesus Name. We need Sponsors who show they care by their commitment to help Christian Refugees out of Thailand.

I hate to tell you ,but freedom has a Price Tag. In order to get Refugees out of Thailand -we need Sponsors who donate towards our Re-Settlement fund.  

Canadian government wants Refugees to be safe  and sound and well adjusted to life in Canada. Resettlement donations simply go to their living expenses during their  first year in Canada. Just to assure you, I will tell you -we do not get one penny of those funds. It goes to SAH organization who is between government and the people who help them settle into Canada (which would be us)

SAH organization makes sure their rent and food expenses are paid.  And we send receipts to CRA to prove the money was used as intended. The idea is that they do not need to depend on government but try to find jobs as fast as possible ( or go take trade courses that secures jobs for them)  Our Job would simply to be cheerleaders to them during the first few years and help them with practical aspects of life. Such as finding place to live. Finding furniture and bedding and kitchen supplies etc. For that we need local Churches to help us but that is part of our Job to organize all of that -before they ever step foot into Canada. They need to have a place to go to and that place need to be ready. That is the Process.

1 ) We have Re-Settlement needs. Which will give them change to come to Canada. We must have the funds ready before SAH organization accepts them.

2) We also need Sponsors For  Christian Families in Thailand – while they wait to be accepted to Canada. We make sure their food cost and shelter cost is taken care of while waiting for Freedom.

The bad news is – Freedom has a price tag. The good news is- with many people working together  to help Christian Refugees- WE CAN DO IT.

IF you want to be Part of this work of helping Christian Refugees, then we will say : Praise the Lord !!