Our Reward for doing this work ???

Our Reward for Helping our Refugee Families ?

We feel, the most exciting thing about the Refugee work is that the families we sponsor have really opened up to us about their lives and experiences and that means both good and sad news. They feel connected and cared for by our connection to them. For the first time in ten years -someone has shown them ,they care for them. Ten years is a long time to go about life being forgotten and alone and living in fear. It is a very long time.

We have noticed that our Refugee Families have become more Joyful . More Hopeful .More Positive in their outlook on life. Their years of silence and isolation is broken and now they feel connected to people across the world. People they have not met ,except our Founder Aqeel – many of them remember him  from his time as a Refugee. They. feel intensely thankful for people who help them and take this…they pray for us  that God would bless us !

In a sense it is very heart wrenching. When one of our Directors  was struggling with her Flu – all our families prayed daily, she would get better, soon.  When our founder was sick…they were again praying that God would heal him. They feel we have become a Family to them and in a real sense we feel the same. Our Founder and CEO calls our refugee families weekly. He  prays with them and carries their sorrows and concerns in prayer to the Lord. He has become their hero and role model in so many ways and they say;

You are -like a Father to us and- Hearts and Hands for Refugees  Canada -is like a Mother to us.

The Beauty of it all – is its very simplicity.

The simple fact is that humans do best when connected to others. When they feel someone cares for them. The beauty of it all is -that you don’t need to go to University and study 7 years of sociology, effects of poverty, psychology and crime levels in third world countries and human rights etc.  You simply need to realize they are human and act accordingly.

 I like simplicity.  I believe in the Power of Prayer and I believe that if you are friend to one person – you  have been friend to the Lord Himself. It is very simple.

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 Disciples asked Jesus :  Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and helped you?   “Jesus said : ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did to one of the least of these, you did it to me.

When we are Serving the Lord, it translates into serving God’s People. Knowing that the Lord Himself is happy – that is our Reward.