Remember the Poor
Some people think ,the best time to help others is when they got lots of money or if they would become very rich. I personally think, if people wait till they get rich…they will never do much good to anyone. The idea is not so much as how much we give ,but the fact that we can always give. We can give your time. We can give your Prayers. We can give care and concern. There is always something we can give.
You are rich ONLY- if you Love God- and Love others. Otherwise you are really the poorest of Poor even though you might have millions in the bank account. You should think about that.
It is best be Rich towards God.
Our Founder for the “Hearts and Hands for Refugees Canada” – called Thailand. The kids answered the phone and started yelling : Its Uncle…Its Uncle ! Hello, Uncle ? You know what ? When you call us – our Father always does what you tell him to. You tell him : Go and buy some Ice-Cream for the kids and he goes ! You should call more often ! 🙂
One time ,he called a Family and the mother said…: ” Our kids made friends with neighbor’s kids and their family goes to Mac Donald’s every week . Our kids feel sad because we cant do that. ” Instantly, our Founder said… ” How much money you have ? She said. Why ? He said…Tell me ? She told how much she had and he replied…Then take the kids to MacDonalds buy them a meal and send me pictures. Tomorrow we send you money for Food and it won’t be out of your monthly budget. Go out and have fun ! ”
Few hours later we received pictures. The kids were so happy. They were smiling. They were able to go out with their family just like normal families. Going to MacDonalds is not a big deal in Canada or USA but for Refugee kids- it is huge and it means a lot. So…our Founder is well liked by the kids. He gives commands for the parents to buy them Ice- Cream and take them out. Yes, it is risky to go out and Yes, Police can get them but if you never go out….you go stir- crazy sitting at home and kids are sad because they never have normal life.
Other Refugee Family we support called him and the father spoke to him : ” Brother, you do not realize what it means to be supported by your organization. For 10 years nobody cared about us. Nobody asked how our kids are doing. Nobody called .And for 10 years we prayed : “God send someone to us – just to show they care ! ” And here you are. You are an answer to all those prayers we prayed for 10 years !! Answer to 10 years worth of prayers and tears. We cannot even explain what this means to us. We feel you are family. You care. You call us. You pray with us. We are not alone. Thank you.”
We Focus on very Basic things ; Such as Human contact and encouragement that comes from interacting with other people.
This is very important to us. We believe Refugees need to be treated with Kindness and Respect. IF we never helped them in any other way, they would still Thank God because humans do not do well in Isolation. We need others. We need human interaction. We need to know someone cares.
We do not need their gratitude. Realistically that all should go to God. We can only Help them as God helps us and People Sponsor us. We are totally dependent on Prayer and God’s People who care. Thanks should always go first to God. Gratitude should always go to God. We only do -what needs to be done and that only because God allows us to do it . We cannot do anything without God. None of us can. He is our Strength. He is our Source.
Blessings to all ,
Hearts and Hands for Refugees Canada