Of All the People I have met – the Refugee Families are the most thankful people and it is very genuine. It won’t matter how small a thing you do for them – they never forget to Thank you. Their JOY overflows and they tell you how Blessed they feel, for your Efforts of Helping them.
We must never forget to Thank God and Be Thankful for every good thing we have. We have homes. We all have Food. We have Roof over our heads. We have bed to sleep on. We have freedom to go to Church. We have stores we can go to for shopping and all that without fear. We must never….ever …take these freedoms lightly. Let us give Thanks to the Lord for these Blessings. After you Thank the Lord – remember the Refugee Families who have not much more than fear and uncertainty in their lives.
If you want to Sponsor Families in Thailand…it is easy.
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You wanna try ? It works. Every penny goes to help our Refugees.