What Refugees Need

RefugeesWhat Every Human Needs

     What Refugees Need 

1) Acceptance – they need real friends

2) Prayers – they carry much sadness

3) Visitors – families visiting families

4) Understanding that Healing takes time

5) Help finding jobs

Most Refugees are very sociable and like Interacting with new People.

Most Refugees learned to hide their Inner Struggles and they smile and they are polite. But they all need prayers and much encouragement to adjust to life in Canada / or -USA or wherever they go.

Support for RefugeesPeople do not thrive in Isolation. They do need a community. They do not thrive without Surprises and fun times. They do not thrive without a family. We need to welcome Refugees into our lives and families and that in itself brings greatest healing and comfort.

Refugees Need Church that is Welcoming and Becomes Part of their Lives. Weekly Visits with lots of Tea. Shopping Trips. Going to a Park. You can become the favorite Aunt, Uncle or Cousin…they need it. There is Healing that comes from being Part of a Community. Refugees come from Cultures where people are very involved.

North America can be shocking to them. Here we are polite and distant. So smart and so careful. And the result….Refugees feel like little Orphans in the middle of Freedom.

Many Refugees need Trauma Counselling. We pray and we believe in God’s Power to Restore Broken people. We PRAY daily and Trust God helps them adjust and find Peace.