The Problem of Being a Refugee


To summarize Refugee Problems in a short version :

Lack of Legal Protection. No work permits and No money. Those things create a dead lock around Refugees. What do you do if Host Country hates you and harasses you constantly ? What do you with no Legal Rights or no Work permit and Money ? Yes…you could say ,it is impossible and even more than that, it is a real living nightmare. Welcome to Refugee life- style. Here we are living a life of Nightmare and Praying we get out of this country and wishing and hoping someone in the Western World would Sponsor us so we could live a normal life, again.


Many times host country puts Refugees in Prison for no reason. They simply hate Refugees and that becomes the best Reason to lock them up. Many never get out.

Sometimes the Host Country will Publish good news for Refugees. They tell them in certain time period they can buy their freedom from Prison if they pay the Bail Fees. The problem with that is that Refugees come from Third world countries. They have no rich uncles and in the Host Country they are not allowed to work. How do you pay Bail Fees ? You cannot pay them If you have No money. It is a horrible situation. Many Refugees stay in Prison for 20 years and go insane from the horrible conditions, the filth ,the rats ,lack of proper food and lack of medical care. They also suffer from lack of sleep because they put 100-200 in a small room sized 10 x 20 and that means they take turns sleeping. Some have to stand up or Sit up…so others can sleep. They sleep on the floors and they suffer. Intensely. It is not a holiday, believe me.

Support for RefugeesGetting Out of Prison is very Difficult Process.

This week we received a Phone call from a Refugee Family in Thailand yesterday. The family been there for 12 years- waiting to get out and find safety! The Immigration police took their 18 years old son to Prison. His Crime is that he is a Christian Refugee !!! We offered to pay the Bail fee so he can get him out of Prison.

To our Shock and Surprise we found out the Host Country had again changed its rules. They change constantly. Only thing that is constant is the fact that they hate Refugees. So, now they Refuse to accept Bail fees and the innocent, nice young man is in Prison. He has health problems due to allergies and we cannot get him out.

We are waiting and Hoping the Host country will again change its rules and give new dates when people can pay Bail Fee and hopefully we can get him out at that time. There are thousands of Christians held in prison in Thailand. This is not the only case. They hold little children in Prison, as well.

If you thought Refugee life is easy…you might want to think again.