How it all began…. Our Story
Every Story has a Beginning and Every human being has his or her own Story that is Unique to them. Your Story is as Important as someone else’s story . God knows you and your struggles and Joys and He sees every step you took -as you created your story by the Choices you made in your life. In our Suffering, we Choose Life. We choose to follow God and from there we find Blessing as time goes on.
Hearts and Hands for Refugees Canada – Story -started when our Founder had to flee his home country in order to stay alive. He escaped to Thailand to save his life and his family’s life. You can read the details of that story and his life story on our Blog Page. That story is called; My Father’s Legacy.
He lived in Thailand as a Refugee for 6 years. While there, he came to a point where he felt such despair, he thought he cannot take more of it and in that moment a decision was made; If I ever get out of here – I will do everything in my power to help others.
That is how Hearts and Hands for Refugees Canada -started although he did not know it at the time. He only knew hopelessness and sorrow. But that moment was the dividing line in his life. It was an Invitation for God to use his Suffering to Bless others.
God has given him a gift of connecting with people and making friends. It is a gift from God. He made many friends in Thailand by helping other Refugees and working for the United Nations Refugee Committee. Often, he risked his life by visiting Refugee families who needed help in filing Documents for UNHCR etc. He met many missionaries, pastors and tourists in Thailand, who heard his story and maintained connection with him -while he lived in Thailand and after he came to Canada. He became close friends with one American Pastor and a Pastor from France. God used these people to help him in many crises’ situations. When he came to Canada, he contacted the Christians in USA and France and Pakistan who had faithfully prayed for him and told them he is finally free. They rejoiced with him.
After few years in Canada – he called each one of them and said…I started Nonprofit organization to help Refugees in Thailand and each one said: “We knew it – One Day God will use you to help others “ These people are now standing with us and supporting us in our work and praying for us -so the Work of the Lord will Prosper according to God’s Plan.
It seems that Western Nations have become accustomed to the easiness of life and assumption that it will never change. As a result – there is a sense that we do not know or want to know about Persecuted Christians around the world and the literal darkness -they live in. We do not hear preaching about the Persecuted Christians and their suffering in the Pulpits of our Churches. We do not hear about the Second Coming of Christ, either. We do not speak about helping our Brothers and Sisters…we are half asleep in the midst of our apparent easiness in life and our sense of security. We forgot that Persecuted Christians are our Brothers and Sisters. We forget that it breaks the heart of God to see we neglect our Brothers and Sisters in the Lord. That we are so busy with our little lives that their suffering does not matter.
We say…there are so many others who also suffer. Yes, there are but Jesus said We must take care of the Family of God First.
Matt 12:48-50 Jesus replied to him, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” Pointing to his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”
Mark 9:41 Jesus said: For whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because of your name as followers of Christ, I assure you and most solemnly say to you, he will not lose his reward.
Hearts and Hands for Refugees started from Suffering. From having lived as a Persecuted Christian.
Having seen the tears of the people. Having listened to their stories and then seeing Mercy of God in the midst of his own personal Suffering and hence giving Thanks to God by Serving the Persecuted Christians today .Truly Our God can turn our sorrows into diamonds. He can use our Sorrows and Give us Insight. He can turn Tragedy into a Ministry .That is our Story. That is how it all began.