Issues of Trust.


Our families in Thailand have lived in fear and isolation so long that they hardly know what normal life looks like.If you are always hiding -you will forget.Normalcy is long gone.

When Crises come – like the recent escapage from the Thai Police,the whole crises brought up the idea of :

” Who is going to help me ? ‘What If I  and the children end up in Prison ?  Who will help us out ?” ” Who can I ask for help ? Who would be willing to help us ?”

That is heart breaking for a mother to think that way ,but that is their Reality .Who do you turn to in Crises when it seems the whole world has turned their backs on Refugees ? Who can they trust to care for them and try to find solution to their problems ?

When our Founder for Hearts and Hands for Refugees Canada  Video called the family,she told him :

“When I was running in fear,I said to myself ….brother Aqeel will help us.He will get us out of Prison .He cares for people.” ‘It gave me strenght and courage because I felt we are not alone in this world. Someone in Canada cares for our family .We are not forgotten .Hearts and Hands for Refugees Canada will help us “

Of course, Brother Aqeel corrected her and said : God cares for you and we do what we can . We will stand with you. Then he started joking and they all started laughing. Sometimes that is the only way to deal with crises.You listen.You talk.You cry. You pray and then you  start joking to break the tension and everyone feels a bit better.

When I heard this story -In the back of my mind,I had a question :

” How is all that going to affect the children ? They will never forget this “

We need to Pray for Refugees in Thailand. Most of them have lived in fear for 10-17 years. That is a long time to live in constant tension. We need your Prayers. We need your Support.

We need Sponsors for Families in Thailand.

We need Sponsorship to get Families to Canada.

Will you Join us and Help Christian Refugees ?

Welcome Corps