I Never Promised You a Rose Garden


A New Refugee came out of SkyTrain Station In Surrey. BC . Canada . He stood on the Platform and Heard a man Preaching the Gospel in the Street Corner. He got so very happy and went to the Preacher and told him : “ It is so wonderful to hear someone Preach the Gospel .I am so happy to hear that Name of Jesus is preached here !”

In the Many Countries they kill you if you even say the Name of Jesus .It was a wonderful moment to him to hear someone openly and freely Proclaim the Gospel. All of a Sudden a man on the street screams : I Hate that Name. I hate Jesus Name. It gives me a Headache. The New Refugee was shocked…someone talks like that. He assumed Everyone in Canada is a Christian.

He said to the Preacher : There are Such People here ?? The Preacher man looked at him and said “You must be New here ” ??

This is a Perfect example of Expectations and Culture Shock. Many Refugees literally think, they entered into a Paradise and that Illusion disappears pretty fast.

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