When We All Get Together
Hearts and Hands for Refugees Canada
Monthly Report From Our Thailand Team / August -2024
Highlights -Special things this month
- Brother Aqeel called us on a Video Call. It was a special moment to all of us. Very meaningful for the broken hearted and lonely hearts of our Refugee families. Brother Aqeel gave many encouraging words and everyone was happy .They were able to hear the words in their own language and understand what he said without translating the words .For them to know there was a Pakistani brother in Canada who loved them and prayed for them and many other Canadians who do the same- was very meaningful.
- Hearts and Hands for Refugees Canada team – sent each one of our families a personal letter with a Bible Verse .It was like a Love Letter to all our families .Every letter was read out loud. They listened patiently as each letter was translated from English to Urdu language. Every letter was different .Message was different but each was to encourage them. Pastor J. and Brother Sh. read every letter. Word by Word. Sentence by Sentence . Everyone listened attentively, wanting to know what Hearts and Hands Canada is saying to them. Each letter gave hope to those who had lost hope .Everyone was happy. Their faces were shining with Joy.
Our families enjoyed the Fellowship and being together. We ate food cooked by our Host family and we had lots of smiles and singing and prayer. Everyone wanted to worship a little bit more and give thanks to God. We have a new family that Hearts and Hands for Refugees Canada is sponsoring and they joined us for Fellowship for the first time. They were a little bit shy but they also were very happy to be with us. They have two little boys .
M.S -18 yrs old got out of Jail because his bail fee was paid .His parents and younger brother were overjoyed that he is now free and able to join fellowship with God’s People. Musa is very musical-he loves to sing and worship. He sang to us a song : Way Maker ! As a thanksgiving to God for his freedom. God had made a way . His younger brother smiled happily the whole time and his mother read the Bible in the meeting. It was very touching to see the two brothers serving God together .
- I.M .had her bail fee paid this month and she felt so relieved and relaxed and happy. She had cooked a special Pakistani meal as a “Thank you”- to God and to bless other Christians in our meeting. Her food was very delicious. That day, her face was bright and full of smiles. She was very happy. She had dressed up beautifully in Pakistani clothes and looked very nice. Every family was happy because of the letters from Canada and Musa being free from Jail and the I.M’s bail was also paid. It seemed every family caught on to Joy and we had a wonderful time together. God has blessed us and we are all very grateful to God and Hearts and Hands for Refugees Canada for their involvement in our lives.
I saw Joy ,Happiness and Enthusiasm on every face. Praise be to God for His Blessings. All our Families feel comforted to be part of the Hearts and Hands for Refugees Canada. We all feel we are one big family and we pray for each other and Thank God for his help in all of our lives.