It Is Not So Hard


People make everything sound so extremely hard and complicated but most really profoundly beautiful things in life are actually really simple.

When a Friend is struggling to make sense of her life – Phone Call can make a difference.

When someone is Struggling with Finances -Gift Card to Superstore can make a difference.

When newcomer feels lost in the new country – a friendly Hello- can make a difference.

When mother grieves for her children – A sympathy card can make a difference.

When Refugees struggle and fear losing hope – A visit makes a difference.

When you meet a Friend –     A hug makes a Difference.

When you see someone sad – holding hands – can make a difference.

Many people wish to help others but they think it is so hard. They don’t know where to start and what to do. But it is not so hard.

 Sometimes people say:

I don’t have money to give.

I don’t have time to volunteer.

I am not healthy – What can I do ?

You can always Pray.    It takes no money and you don’t have to go out. You can Pray right at home and ask God to Bless Christian Refugees in Thailand.

Some people donate $ 20.00 / month   – that is all they can afford and it brings them Joy. Giving is not about numbers or amounts. It is about your heart and why you do it.

 Give what you have. Give you Prayers. Give your Time. Give your Talents.

Give Support. Give Kindness. Give Encouragement.

It can change someone’s life