Introducing our Families to you…. part 1


There is a sense that many Refugee families are very disappointed and disillusioned by many Organizations that go to Thailand and Promise to help to them. Most of them show up once a year – for Christmas Season – take lots of photos- and then disappear .Our Refugee families have valid reasons for feeling the way they do. After all they live there…day after day and week after week and month after month. Most of them have been there 10 years at least…so they seen it all. If they call these Organizations they do NOT answer the Phone.

If they send a text message, there is no reply. These Organizations  find it overwhelming to hear the peoples problems and hear their hopelessness and their sorrows and joys. They don’t want to be involved with anyone on a personal level. They come and go once a year and that is that. The people are left and they feel very ignored and forgotten.

The point is Refugees do not feel these organizations care or really make commitment to helping them. They are in crises and fearful all the time and visiting them once a year is not working.  But to be fair – we do not stand in judgement over other peoples motivations. We truly do not know what they do. Maybe their focus is to Sponsor Refugees to various English speaking countries. Maybe that is their ONLY focus. So…we cannot say much on that count. If any organizations manages to get even one family out…that is very good. We thank God for that. If they manage to get  10 families out of  Thailand, they have done amazingly well and we must be thankful for their efforts and Praise God for the people who are living in Freedom as a result of their Labors. So we must realize that -each group has different focus. It all depends on their focus. What is their mandate ? What do they really wish to do ?

1.)  Our First mandate is to Help Refugees who are waiting to be accepted by a Third country. While they wait -we provide for the shelter and food cost.

2.)  Our Second  mandate  is to Raise funds and  Raise awareness among Christian Community in Canadaand elsewhere -about the plight of Christian Refugees.

3)  Our Third mandate is to be personally involved. Week by week. Month by Month .We do that in many ways. We maintain personal connection ;via Text ,phone and video calls. By using Regular  Canada Mail and  send  encouragement to our families. We are very involved. We know each persons story. We know their struggles. We pray for them and we laugh with them.

We have call center that takes calls weekly and daily for hours. The Call Center is our Founder Aqeel . He spends time listening to the people. That sets up apart.


This Couple has been living in Thailand for 10 years with no Hope in Sight.They need our Prayers and Sponsors,so they can get out of Thailand.