
International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Church


 November 2,2024 is  the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church across the World It is very important, we realize there are many good, solid Christian Organizations who have worked for years and years with Persecuted Christians all over the World. We @ Hearts and Hands for Refugees Canada – focus on Persecuted Pakistani … Read more

Introducing our Families…. part 8


I think, we all need to Realise that Refugees are just like all the other people we know..They have hopes and dreams and they want easier life and good opportunites for their Children. They undestand their children need good Education and good friends and need to learn English . Most of their children speak English … Read more

Introducing our Families…. part 7


The most amazing thing about our Famlies is that they have truly suffered intensly. Yet,they have such desire for Life and Laughter and Prayer and just being around other people. I see so much potential and Joy in them. Our families meet monthly for Worship and Prayer and Meal. They love being together and sometimes … Read more

Introducing our Families…. part 6


This family had a real Traumatic Experience just recently. Immigration Police was seeking to find Refugees and take them to Jail. The mother had to run with her two sons. They were fortunate enough that they were not locked in Jail. In Thailand Children go to Jail with Parents. The reason ? Thailand does not … Read more

Introducing our Families….. Part 5


 We really do not wish to publish images of our Families online. But they asked us to do it- because it gives them Hope that maybe…maybe someone says…I will help them. Their hope is that maybe…just maybe…they get out of Thailand and can live in Freedom and worship God without fear. It is natural for … Read more

Introducing our families….. part 4


The families that have children love our Founder Aqeel. They always joke with him on the Phone. The youngest boy of all our families is 5 years old. He said to our Founder on the Phone ; UNCLE ,YOU MUST CALL MORE OFTEN. …..EVERY TIME YOU CALL- OUR FATHER DOES EXCATLY AS YOU TELL HIM … Read more

Introducing our Families…. part 3


 Thailand is a very Beautiful Country and Tourist love going there. But, it is not a nice place for Refugees to Live there. There is lots of poverty there . Many Thai people live in Poverty and Struggle. There are many Refugees  in Thailand and it is a burden to them. Poor  Thai children do … Read more

Introducing Our Families…… part 2


In Thailand most Churches Refuse to help Refugees and even International organizations that have helped  in the Past are holding back. The Food insecurity and Fear of losing the One Room Rental – is very real issue to each Refugee Family. It is also constant fear that they might end up in Jail. I love … Read more

Introducing our Families to you…. part 1


 OUR FAMILIES ARE SO SPECIAL. WE LOVE ALL OUR FAMILIES. There is a sense that many Refugee families are very disappointed and disillusioned by many Organizations that go to Thailand and Promise to help to them. Most of them show up once a year – for Christmas Season – take lots of photos- and then … Read more