
Eat Like a Refugee For One Week


We do not Realize what others go through EATING LIKE A REFUGEE FOR ONE WEEK – Australians Created Fund Raiser that challenged people to think about Refugee Issues and gain some understanding what it is really like. The idea was to tell people to eat like Refugee for One Week. It was a Brilliant Idea … Read more

Refugee Social Life – Is Not What You Think


Typical Refugee Family prefers sleeping during the day and going out in the evening’ is for Safety Reasons. If they are too visible during the daytime and start going out too much and they might get noticed by the Police an taken to Prison. They bring Children to the Prison with their parents. Children in … Read more

Refugee Families Selling Their Daughters


REFUGEE GIRLS SOLD AND FORCED TO MARRY AT EARLY AGE TO SAVE THEIR FAMILIES Whether Refugee families live in cities or in Camps and yes ,they all struggle to Survive. Desperation and not being able to work creates very little options for Refugees and many parents make a choice to sell their daughters for the … Read more

Generational Cycle of Being a Refugee

help Refugees

Everyone loves little Children. Of all the Refugees about 50 % are Children. That is a lot of Children growing up without normal life. There are women who have lived in the Refugee Camps for 30 years and seen their Children grow up and marry someone from the Camp. Which means now they have grandchildren- … Read more

Hearts and Hands for Refugees Canada Purpose


Our Purpose is to relieve poverty by providing for the basic necessities of life. Such as water, food, clothes, shelter, basic medical supplies to Individuals who have been displaced or threatened in their home country and are seeking to immigrate to a new country while currently experiencing poverty. Our Focus and Purpose is to help … Read more

Host Country Harasses The Refugees


Thailand has about 100.000 Refugees in Refugee Camps Thailand has about 10,000 Urban Refugees living in poor areas of big cities. Thailand is a beautiful country but it has lots of problems, too. It is a country known for its kind, generous and loving people and is called a “country of smiles “ But – … Read more

Migratory Grieving


Migratory grieving means anyone who left their home country and grieves as a result. They might be Political Exiles, or Refugees escaping religious persecution, or they had to flee because of War. Some leave because of Poverty. For whatever reason they had to leave their country it will cause trauma and grieving. Grieving means…there was … Read more

Hearts and Hands for Refugees Canada

Hearts and hands blog post

It is with great Joy and sense of privilege that we share our vision of Helping Christian Refugees in Thailand with you and your friends. Our Founder and Executive Director, spent 6 years of his life in Thailand as a Refugee and knows full well the suffering and trials of Refugees. He is now in … Read more