
Introducing our Families to you…. part 1


 OUR FAMILIES ARE SO SPECIAL. WE LOVE ALL OUR FAMILIES. There is a sense that many Refugee families are very disappointed and disillusioned by many Organizations that go to Thailand and Promise to help to them. Most of them show up once a year – for Christmas Season – take lots of photos- and then … Read more

Issues of Trust.

TRUSTING OTHERS IS COMPLICATED. Our families in Thailand have lived in fear and isolation so long that they hardly know what normal life looks like.If you are always hiding -you will forget.Normalcy is long gone. When Crises come – like the recent escapage from the Thai Police,the whole crises brought up the idea of : … Read more

New Clothes and Changing of Seasons.

fall clothing

NEW CLOTHES AND CHANGING SEASONS Our little guy is going to kindergarten and we had to find black pants for him. He is such a tiny little human…practically all the pants fall off him, unless the pants have elastic band and then they stay on. It is definitely a new season for him and us. … Read more

Remember the Poor.


Remember the Poor Some people think ,the best time to help others  is when they got lots of money or if they would become very rich. I personally think, if people wait till they get rich…they will never do much good to anyone. The idea is not so much as how much we give ,but … Read more

Dreams Do Come True !!

Thankful and blessed

DREAMS DO COME TRUE -TODAY WE REJOICED. Today, the Founder of Hearts and Hands for Refugees Canada– became a Canadian Citizen. Today was a wonderful day. Citizenship Ceremony in Surrey BC- Declared him a Canadian Citizen with all the rights and privileges that come with it. He said his mother prayed for years that all … Read more

The Welcome Corps – Refugee Sponsorship in USA

Welcome Corps

Welcome Corps  – Refugee Sponsorship in USA Welcome Corps is similar to Canadian Private Sponsorship Program but also a little different. In both Countries– Sponsors can choose who to Sponsor- if they know someone- or simply be set up with a Refugee family in need. Main issue is that there are people waiting and praying … Read more

Private Sponsorship Program – Canada

PRIVATE SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM – CANADA  Sponsoring Refugees:  Sponsoring refugees: what to expect – YouTube  Private Sponsorship Program  – Best Option for most Refugees.  Private Sponsorship  – Church, Organization, Agency or Private Citizens. Group of 5 – means that 5 people / or families – simply divide the total cost of Sponsorship. Group of Five, means … Read more

It Is Not So Hard


IT IS NOT SO HARD People make everything sound so extremely hard and complicated but most really profoundly beautiful things in life are actually really simple. When a Friend is struggling to make sense of her life – Phone Call can make a difference. When someone is Struggling with Finances -Gift Card to Superstore can … Read more

Migratory Grieving


Migratory grieving means anyone who left their home country and grieves as a result. They might be Political Exiles, or Refugees escaping religious persecution, or they had to flee because of War. Some leave because of Poverty. For whatever reason they had to leave their country it will cause trauma and grieving. Grieving means…there was … Read more