
I would hate to be in their shoes


 I would hate to be in their shoes I am sorry if this Blog Post – sounds little bit negative. But, REALLY, I would hate to be in their shoes. Think about it…living as a Refugee, hiding and living in fear for 10 years straight. Or -like some families who lived as Refugees for 20 … Read more

Look at this little Boy !!


GOD LOVES THIS LITTLE BOY !  PRAY FOR THIS FAMILY  Look at his Little Boy. He is 6 years old. Never lived in Freedom and has no Idea what that word means. His Parents love him and his brother. They think, their sons are the best and they love them and feel proud of them. … Read more

Our Families are Wonderful


              Our Refugee Brothers and Sisters in Christ are Persecuted Christians  We are Part of the Family of God by faith in His Son Jesus Christ. Because of that connection we have sisters and brothers all over the world. We have brothers and sisters in Thailand among the Christian … Read more

New Year’s Blessings from our Families

New Year’s Blessing from our Families – 2025 S’s  family of 5 people :  Our family fled Pakistan in 2014 , escaping persecution and hardship, and sought asylum in Thailand. However, after our tourist visa expired, we became undocumented, unwanted illegals in Thailand. We had no work permits and no way to make a living. … Read more

Working with Refugees

Heart and hands

It is most heart breaking to me, as a mother and woman to see refugee children living in such difficult circumstances. We realize that in a modern world children need education to have a chance at a better life. When working with Refugees, we see  generations of children growing up in very unstable situations. No … Read more

They just need a chance !!


They just need a chance. Refugee Children and youth need a better future. Refugee Children and youth need a normal life and education. You can help. Our families have been waiting for a very long time. They Pray and They wait, you can Help!    

Word from One of Our Teens


Being a Refugee is not easy on Children. They miss the basic things that make life wonderful and exciting Their whole life is about Hiding and that means…they don’t have spontaneous trips to the Mall or Park, Swimming etc. They live a very Isolative lifestyle. Any time they go outside the one room they rent … Read more

New Clothes for a Cute Little Boy

New clothes for a Cute little boy This little boy’s mothers said…This is the first time in 10 years that she has been able to buy new clothes for her family.  Here is a” Thank You ” -Video from a Cute Little Boy who got new clothes for Christmas We get Videos from him weekly. We … Read more

Introducing our Families…. part 8


I think, we all need to Realise that Refugees are just like all the other people we know..They have hopes and dreams and they want easier life and good opportunites for their Children. They undestand their children need good Education and good friends and need to learn English . Most of their children speak English … Read more

Introducing our Families…. part 7


The most amazing thing about our Famlies is that they have truly suffered intensly. Yet,they have such desire for Life and Laughter and Prayer and just being around other people. I see so much potential and Joy in them. Our families meet monthly for Worship and Prayer and Meal. They love being together and sometimes … Read more