food security

New Year’s Blessings from our Families

New Year’s Blessing from our Families – 2025 S’s  family of 5 people :  Our family fled Pakistan in 2014 , escaping persecution and hardship, and sought asylum in Thailand. However, after our tourist visa expired, we became undocumented, unwanted illegals in Thailand. We had no work permits and no way to make a living. … Read more

They just need a chance !!


They just need a chance. Refugee Children and youth need a better future. Refugee Children and youth need a normal life and education. You can help. Our families have been waiting for a very long time. They Pray and They wait, you can Help!    

Introducing our Families….. Part 5


 We really do not wish to publish images of our Families online. But they asked us to do it- because it gives them Hope that maybe…maybe someone says…I will help them. Their hope is that maybe…just maybe…they get out of Thailand and can live in Freedom and worship God without fear. It is natural for … Read more

Issues of Trust.

TRUSTING OTHERS IS COMPLICATED. Our families in Thailand have lived in fear and isolation so long that they hardly know what normal life looks like.If you are always hiding -you will forget.Normalcy is long gone. When Crises come – like the recent escapage from the Thai Police,the whole crises brought up the idea of : … Read more

Thankful People are Blessed.


THANKFUL PEOPLE ARE BLESSED. Thankful People are Blessed People because they Remember to Thank God. Of All the People I have met – the Refugee Families are the most thankful people and it is very genuine. It won’t matter how small a thing you do for them – they never forget to Thank you. Their … Read more

New Clothes and Changing of Seasons.

fall clothing

NEW CLOTHES AND CHANGING SEASONS Our little guy is going to kindergarten and we had to find black pants for him. He is such a tiny little human…practically all the pants fall off him, unless the pants have elastic band and then they stay on. It is definitely a new season for him and us. … Read more

Remember the Poor.


Remember the Poor Some people think ,the best time to help others  is when they got lots of money or if they would become very rich. I personally think, if people wait till they get rich…they will never do much good to anyone. The idea is not so much as how much we give ,but … Read more

Our Charity Status


OUR CHARITY STATUS  Our Charity Status number is :   758589758  We can send Tax Receipts to Donors in Canada and USA.   Blessings to all , Hearts and Hands for Refugees Canada  

Dreams Do Come True !!

Thankful and blessed

DREAMS DO COME TRUE -TODAY WE REJOICED. Today, the Founder of Hearts and Hands for Refugees Canada– became a Canadian Citizen. Today was a wonderful day. Citizenship Ceremony in Surrey BC- Declared him a Canadian Citizen with all the rights and privileges that come with it. He said his mother prayed for years that all … Read more