
Landlords in Thailand can be difficult


One of our Families told us that some Landlords have Unique ways of making sure the residents pay their rents on time. It is quite shocking, but Thailand has no laws and regulations on Landlords and Renters have no rights, either, so it explains it all. Reality is that Refugees cannot work legally but they … Read more

Our Values


Our Values. We believe the value of a human being does not come from a job or material possessions or our ethnicity. Our true value comes from the fact that God loves us and we were created in his image.

Teenager Life as a Refugee is not a Picnic


Teenager Life as a Refugee is not a Picnic. Our family came to Thailand 11 years ago. We were toddlers then. We are still here. We really want to get out of Thailand. It is not a dream life. Pray for us.

Be Part of Something Amazing.

Christian refugees

BE PART OF SOMETHING AMAZING We all need to know that we can be part of something amazing. Something that is bigger than us and bigger than our daily grind. Something that makes a real difference in someone else’s life. Something that actually flips another person’s life completely around Hearts and Hands for Refugees Canada … Read more

The Welcome Corps – Refugee Sponsorship in USA

Welcome Corps

Welcome Corps  – Refugee Sponsorship in USA Welcome Corps is similar to Canadian Private Sponsorship Program but also a little different. In both Countries– Sponsors can choose who to Sponsor- if they know someone- or simply be set up with a Refugee family in need. Main issue is that there are people waiting and praying … Read more

Private Sponsorship Program – Canada

PRIVATE SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM – CANADA  Sponsoring Refugees:  Sponsoring refugees: what to expect – YouTube  Private Sponsorship Program  – Best Option for most Refugees.  Private Sponsorship  – Church, Organization, Agency or Private Citizens. Group of 5 – means that 5 people / or families – simply divide the total cost of Sponsorship. Group of Five, means … Read more

Migratory Grieving


Migratory grieving means anyone who left their home country and grieves as a result. They might be Political Exiles, or Refugees escaping religious persecution, or they had to flee because of War. Some leave because of Poverty. For whatever reason they had to leave their country it will cause trauma and grieving. Grieving means…there was … Read more

Do Refugees Take Our Jobs?


DO REFUGEES TAKE OUR JOBS ?? Some People Claim that is the case. Basically ,Canada won’t accept Educational /-Work History from other Countries. Which makes it very hard for Newcomers who have been well educated in their own countries. They can’t work in the field they were trained to work at. They have to go … Read more

Dog Food and Refugee Issues


Pet Food ~ and Refugee Issues. You know, when my Grandma was young, they had no special dog foods . They ate whatever humans ate and they got bones as a special treat. The dogs lived a long life and everyone was happy. Now they all eat commercially prepared Dog foods and people spend lots … Read more