
Working with Refugees

Heart and hands

It is most heart breaking to me, as a mother and woman to see refugee children living in such difficult circumstances. We realize that in a modern world children need education to have a chance at a better life. When working with Refugees, we see  generations of children growing up in very unstable situations. No … Read more

They just need a chance !!


They just need a chance. Refugee Children and youth need a better future. Refugee Children and youth need a normal life and education. You can help. Our families have been waiting for a very long time. They Pray and They wait, you can Help!    

Home For a Refugee?


HOME FOR A …. REFUGEE? I read a children’s book; called: Home for a Bunny. It is a very Classic Children’s book, with beautiful Illustrations and a sweet innocent story for little children. I liked the book because it was so simple and yet it gave a strong message of how important it is to … Read more

The Daily Challenges Faced by Urban Refugees


Urban refugees, displaced from their homes and seeking safety and a better life, face numerous challenges on a daily basis. Refugees have no legal protection or easy access to healthcare, education, and employment. Their Host Country do not want them and they do not want to help them, either. Economic issues Urban refugees are not … Read more

Raising Children In Captivity Is Not Easy.


Raising Children requires Courage especially if you are Refugee. Raising children is a challenging task in any circumstance, but it becomes even more complicated when families find themselves in refugee situations. The absence of normalcy and the loss of familiar support systems, relatives, friends, and community can create additional struggles for parents and caregivers. Pakistani … Read more

Eat Like a Refugee For One Week


We do not Realize what others go through EATING LIKE A REFUGEE FOR ONE WEEK – Australians Created Fund Raiser that challenged people to think about Refugee Issues and gain some understanding what it is really like. The idea was to tell people to eat like Refugee for One Week. It was a Brilliant Idea … Read more

Generational Cycle of Being a Refugee

help Refugees

Everyone loves little Children. Of all the Refugees about 50 % are Children. That is a lot of Children growing up without normal life. There are women who have lived in the Refugee Camps for 30 years and seen their Children grow up and marry someone from the Camp. Which means now they have grandchildren- … Read more