
I would hate to be in their shoes


 I would hate to be in their shoes I am sorry if this Blog Post – sounds little bit negative. But, REALLY, I would hate to be in their shoes. Think about it…living as a Refugee, hiding and living in fear for 10 years straight. Or -like some families who lived as Refugees for 20 … Read more

Please do not mock the Poor

PLEASE DO NOT MOCK THE POOR There are  groups that go to Thailand few times a year.  They inform Refugee families they are coming and visit few families and take lots of Photos. They post these photos on their website and  often use the same photos year after year .Meanwhile they claim the person received … Read more

Landlords in Thailand can be difficult


One of our Families told us that some Landlords have Unique ways of making sure the residents pay their rents on time. It is quite shocking, but Thailand has no laws and regulations on Landlords and Renters have no rights, either, so it explains it all. Reality is that Refugees cannot work legally but they … Read more

Our Values


Our Values. We believe the value of a human being does not come from a job or material possessions or our ethnicity. Our true value comes from the fact that God loves us and we were created in his image.

New Clothes for a Cute Little Boy

New clothes for a Cute little boy This little boy’s mothers said…This is the first time in 10 years that she has been able to buy new clothes for her family.  Here is a” Thank You ” -Video from a Cute Little Boy who got new clothes for Christmas We get Videos from him weekly. We … Read more

The Question everyone asks at some point in their life


 The question everyone is ask at some point in their life ; Why does God Allow Suffering ? I am sure ,you hope I have a  really intelligent, simple answer to that one, but I don’t . Sorry. I do not have simple answer to all the evil that happens in the World. In its … Read more

Introducing our Families…. part 7


The most amazing thing about our Famlies is that they have truly suffered intensly. Yet,they have such desire for Life and Laughter and Prayer and just being around other people. I see so much potential and Joy in them. Our families meet monthly for Worship and Prayer and Meal. They love being together and sometimes … Read more

Introducing our Families….. Part 5


 We really do not wish to publish images of our Families online. But they asked us to do it- because it gives them Hope that maybe…maybe someone says…I will help them. Their hope is that maybe…just maybe…they get out of Thailand and can live in Freedom and worship God without fear. It is natural for … Read more

New Clothes and Changing of Seasons.

fall clothing

NEW CLOTHES AND CHANGING SEASONS Our little guy is going to kindergarten and we had to find black pants for him. He is such a tiny little human…practically all the pants fall off him, unless the pants have elastic band and then they stay on. It is definitely a new season for him and us. … Read more

Modern Day Robin Hood.

robin hood

Modern Day Robin Hoods. We have all heard the  story about Robin Hood. He was the Folk hero in England, who helped the Poor and Outcast and Suffering people. Nobody really knows if the story is true and based on History or if it is just fictional story dealing with the era. The story is … Read more