
The Tears of The Refugee Mothers Whose Children Go To Jail


In Thailand Refugees can be arrested for no other Reason but being a Refugee They do not want Refugees there and they let them know. Often Immigration Police knows where certain Refugees live in the city The recent situation we know of – they waited until the Son turned 18 years old And after his … Read more

What Refugees Need


What Every Human Needs What Refugees Need 1) Acceptance – they need real friends 2) Prayers – they carry much sadness 3) Visitors – families visiting families 4) Understanding that Healing takes time 5) Help finding jobs Most Refugees are very sociable and like Interacting with new People. Most Refugees learned to hide their Inner … Read more

I Never Promised You a Rose Garden

rose garden

NEW REFUGEE IN CANADA TELLS HIS STORY: A New Refugee came out of SkyTrain Station In Surrey. BC . Canada . He stood on the Platform and Heard a man Preaching the Gospel in the Street Corner. He got so very happy and went to the Preacher and told him : “ It is so … Read more

The Most Amazing Thing About Canada – Refugee Interview.


Having lived as a Refugee – you are very Familiar with Fear. We never felt Safe and Reality is – we were never Safe. The host country hated Refugees and any day they could lock Refugees in Jail for no reason. Once you get there – it is almost impossible to get out and you … Read more

Remember The Little Children

School for Childern

Somehow People always think that ALL Refugees are Adults. People assume most Refugees are adults but 50 % of all Refugees are Children. They live the lifestyle of suffering with their parents. When we think of it…it seems Refuge issues are Man- Made Problems, because it stems from a mindset and belief system. There are … Read more

Do Refugees Take Our Jobs?


DO REFUGEES TAKE OUR JOBS ?? Some People Claim that is the case. Basically ,Canada won’t accept Educational /-Work History from other Countries. Which makes it very hard for Newcomers who have been well educated in their own countries. They can’t work in the field they were trained to work at. They have to go … Read more

Dog Food and Refugee Issues


Pet Food ~ and Refugee Issues. You know, when my Grandma was young, they had no special dog foods . They ate whatever humans ate and they got bones as a special treat. The dogs lived a long life and everyone was happy. Now they all eat commercially prepared Dog foods and people spend lots … Read more

The Daily Challenges Faced by Urban Refugees


Urban refugees, displaced from their homes and seeking safety and a better life, face numerous challenges on a daily basis. Refugees have no legal protection or easy access to healthcare, education, and employment. Their Host Country do not want them and they do not want to help them, either. Economic issues Urban refugees are not … Read more

Raising Children In Captivity Is Not Easy.


Raising Children requires Courage especially if you are Refugee. Raising children is a challenging task in any circumstance, but it becomes even more complicated when families find themselves in refugee situations. The absence of normalcy and the loss of familiar support systems, relatives, friends, and community can create additional struggles for parents and caregivers. Pakistani … Read more

Refugee Diet ? What Diet ?


Refugees buy Food – only – If they have Money ! One of the hardest thing for Refugee families is the limited amount of Money which affects their ability to buy Food. Lack of Food is primarily a result of poverty and a heavy reliance on outside assistance. Refugees typically can only afford to buy … Read more