
Introducing our families….. part 4


The families that have children love our Founder Aqeel. They always joke with him on the Phone. The youngest boy of all our families is 5 years old. He said to our Founder on the Phone ; UNCLE ,YOU MUST CALL MORE OFTEN. …..EVERY TIME YOU CALL- OUR FATHER DOES EXCATLY AS YOU TELL HIM … Read more

The Welcome Corps – Refugee Sponsorship in USA

Welcome Corps

Welcome Corps  – Refugee Sponsorship in USA Welcome Corps is similar to Canadian Private Sponsorship Program but also a little different. In both Countries– Sponsors can choose who to Sponsor- if they know someone- or simply be set up with a Refugee family in need. Main issue is that there are people waiting and praying … Read more

The Problem of Being a Refugee


REFUGEES LIVE IN A NO -WIN SITUATION To summarize Refugee Problems in a short version : Lack of Legal Protection. No work permits and No money. Those things create a dead lock around Refugees. What do you do if Host Country hates you and harasses you constantly ? What do you with no Legal Rights or … Read more

Remember The Little Children

School for Childern

Somehow People always think that ALL Refugees are Adults. People assume most Refugees are adults but 50 % of all Refugees are Children. They live the lifestyle of suffering with their parents. When we think of it…it seems Refuge issues are Man- Made Problems, because it stems from a mindset and belief system. There are … Read more

The Daily Challenges Faced by Urban Refugees


Urban refugees, displaced from their homes and seeking safety and a better life, face numerous challenges on a daily basis. Refugees have no legal protection or easy access to healthcare, education, and employment. Their Host Country do not want them and they do not want to help them, either. Economic issues Urban refugees are not … Read more

Refugee Diet ? What Diet ?


Refugees buy Food – only – If they have Money ! One of the hardest thing for Refugee families is the limited amount of Money which affects their ability to buy Food. Lack of Food is primarily a result of poverty and a heavy reliance on outside assistance. Refugees typically can only afford to buy … Read more

Eat Like a Refugee For One Week


We do not Realize what others go through EATING LIKE A REFUGEE FOR ONE WEEK – Australians Created Fund Raiser that challenged people to think about Refugee Issues and gain some understanding what it is really like. The idea was to tell people to eat like Refugee for One Week. It was a Brilliant Idea … Read more

Generational Cycle of Being a Refugee

help Refugees

Everyone loves little Children. Of all the Refugees about 50 % are Children. That is a lot of Children growing up without normal life. There are women who have lived in the Refugee Camps for 30 years and seen their Children grow up and marry someone from the Camp. Which means now they have grandchildren- … Read more

Host Country Harasses The Refugees


Thailand has about 100.000 Refugees in Refugee Camps Thailand has about 10,000 Urban Refugees living in poor areas of big cities. Thailand is a beautiful country but it has lots of problems, too. It is a country known for its kind, generous and loving people and is called a “country of smiles “ But – … Read more