
Look at this little Boy !!


GOD LOVES THIS LITTLE BOY !  PRAY FOR THIS FAMILY  Look at his Little Boy. He is 6 years old. Never lived in Freedom and has no Idea what that word means. His Parents love him and his brother. They think, their sons are the best and they love them and feel proud of them. … Read more

Please do not mock the Poor

PLEASE DO NOT MOCK THE POOR There are  groups that go to Thailand few times a year.  They inform Refugee families they are coming and visit few families and take lots of Photos. They post these photos on their website and  often use the same photos year after year .Meanwhile they claim the person received … Read more

They just need a chance !!


They just need a chance. Refugee Children and youth need a better future. Refugee Children and youth need a normal life and education. You can help. Our families have been waiting for a very long time. They Pray and They wait, you can Help!    

Teenager Life as a Refugee is not a Picnic


Teenager Life as a Refugee is not a Picnic. Our family came to Thailand 11 years ago. We were toddlers then. We are still here. We really want to get out of Thailand. It is not a dream life. Pray for us.

Word from One of Our Teens


Being a Refugee is not easy on Children. They miss the basic things that make life wonderful and exciting Their whole life is about Hiding and that means…they don’t have spontaneous trips to the Mall or Park, Swimming etc. They live a very Isolative lifestyle. Any time they go outside the one room they rent … Read more

Walk of Tears and Prayers

All Our Christian Families were born in Pakistan. Each Organization has their own focus and mandate, ours is to help Persecuted Christians in Thailand Where these Refugees were born, that country does not uphold human rights or give freedom for people to choose what Faith they follow. As a Result, many Christians suffer greatly.Sometimes, people … Read more

New Clothes for a Cute Little Boy

New clothes for a Cute little boy This little boy’s mothers said…This is the first time in 10 years that she has been able to buy new clothes for her family.  Here is a” Thank You ” -Video from a Cute Little Boy who got new clothes for Christmas We get Videos from him weekly. We … Read more

International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Church


 November 2,2024 is  the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church across the World It is very important, we realize there are many good, solid Christian Organizations who have worked for years and years with Persecuted Christians all over the World. We @ Hearts and Hands for Refugees Canada – focus on Persecuted Pakistani … Read more

Introducing our Families…. part 8


I think, we all need to Realise that Refugees are just like all the other people we know..They have hopes and dreams and they want easier life and good opportunites for their Children. They undestand their children need good Education and good friends and need to learn English . Most of their children speak English … Read more

Introducing our Families…. part 3


 Thailand is a very Beautiful Country and Tourist love going there. But, it is not a nice place for Refugees to Live there. There is lots of poverty there . Many Thai people live in Poverty and Struggle. There are many Refugees  in Thailand and it is a burden to them. Poor  Thai children do … Read more